Sophie Davis Fall 2021

Thank you so much for your response.
Crossing my fingers for tomorrow’s results.


Hello everyone. I had my interview for SD back in mid-February, but I have not yet received any email from CCNY regarding my application status. Should I be worried? Thanks in advance.

they haven’t started giving out decisions yet. We believe they may start giving decisions out today but aren’t entirely sure. we will definitely keep you updated once one of us gets a response. If you like, there is a link floating up there somewhere for a gc if you would like to join that. But keep your head up okay! decisions should be coming out sometime this week :upside_down_face:

Did anyone hear anything?

No, however we will update if anything.

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Anyone think they coming today?

Honestly I’m just holding out for april 1st while being glad no one else has heard anything yet, the anxiety is tiring

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Did anyone email or call and ask when acceptances are being released?

I emailed as well as a few of my friends, seems like every email regarding how their process works is ignored. So far I heard that people who didn’t get interviews are being rejected today. I think they could be doing everything backwards this year and we might get our decisions on April 1 as far as acceptances. Not sure though, hope this helped!

Thanks. You know people that got rejected?

Yes. 4 people without an interview recueved rejection emails today at 2:59 pm, all with different first letters of their last names. This gives a glimmer of hope that they fixed their email system a little bit.

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Thank you for the information. Please let us know if you hear anything else. Also, do you know if anyone who was interviewed received a rejection yet?

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Lol no problem! I’m glad it helped you! cuz I got rejected didnt even get an interview but got my rejection email today

As far as I know, no one with an interview received anything at all.

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Aww sorry about that man. Regardless of whether you go to sophie davis or not, a doctor is still a doctor. I’m sure you have a great personality and a strong willpower to be a great doctor one day. Strive for your dreams still and don’t give up. Sometimes things just simply are not meant to be but don’t let this discourage you. Thank you replying back to all of us. It’s good to know you’re alive😂

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GUYS I GOT IN!!! I just received the email and it doesnt feel real


Congrats! What letter does your last name start with?

Yes, I got in too!!! Received it at 9:53 AM


Got waitlisted…:sob::sweat::sob:

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My last name starts with a D