Sophie Davis Fall 2021

Rejected. Honestly feeling horrible.

Same man. Last like 10 days L after L. Ahhhhhhhhh this hurts. I just pray i get into the ones i got left ;(


did anyone else join the Facebook or Instagram chats yet?

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I got in! Iā€™ve cried for the past hour. My first name starts with B, last name with S.


:o how? Iā€™m excited to meet the rest of you !!

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Me too!!

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My D is waitlisted and we r OOS. Will WL move for OOS?

Rejectedā€‹:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. At first I was a little upset but life goes on nonetheless! Good luck to everyone on this thread or reading through! We will all be the next generation of doctors in 2028 or 2029! :beers::champagne::champagne::partying_face::tada::tada::tada:


Yes baby

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my last name starts w a z and i got in at 9:52


I got rejected too, I honestly donā€™t know why I had everything they wanted. Do the interviews even matter because I thought I did really well, how do they take that into consideration?

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Is everyone here high school seniors? Or freshmans in college too?

Hey, I am a freshman in college.

Same and I got rejected :disappointed:. What college do u attend?

I go to Ithaca college but I got waitlisted.

What about you?

Rejected, OOS

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Yes! Life moves on! Do not think that this was the best shot you had at becoming a doctor! This has just opened many doors for you.

If you got in do not read this! Congrats to you and I sincerely hope you have a great time! But, as a rejectee myself and a person who have learned a lot about the college, I feel like I should try to make others feel better.

Iā€™ll give you and everyone who got rejected 7 reasons you might have dodged a bullet. My High School is a part of the CCNY campus and I ate lunch like a few feet from the Sophie Davis Building (Harris Hall) almost every single day b4 covid struck the world.

  1. The campus although looks beautiful is falling apart. Literally! One time I was sitting in the the NAC (Most classes happen here) and the ceiling fell a few feet away from me. This was in the Undergrad presidentā€™s office. So much of the campus is under construction. The escalators are broken like every other day (no exaggeration) so you might have to run to classes on the seventh floor if youā€™re getting late. Also there are literal mice in the basement.

  2. Sophie Davis is a very new school and even though the match rate was 100 percent which is very good, less than 50 percent of the students made it to the end of the seven years.

  3. Sophie Davis heavily encourages you to be in primary care and even though students match into all residencies, your options are not as open as someone on the traditional route.

  4. While most of the classes you will take are MED courses, you will also take ccny classes and electives andā€¦ ccny does not have the best science professors from personal experience and from the experience of pre meds at the school.

  5. While you would have not had the pressure of getting accepting to med school, you would still have to take around 22 credits each semester and even during summers during your undergrad. Your social life would be even worse than it would be as a traditional pre med.

  6. There is a fixed curriculum. While you have the option of electives, you have to major in biomedical science and you donā€™t really have a choice in that. As a traditional pre med, you can experiment, explore, and major in whatever you want.

  7. The campus is safe and beautiful. But I canā€™t say the same about the surrounding neighborhood. I used to live very close to ccny and def glad I moved.

This was not meant to be offensive but just offer a different point of view to those who got rejected.

Sophie Davis is a good school but not suitable for everyone. And while I thought of it as my dream school my passion does not necessarily match sophie davisā€™ mission. I plan to become a non primary care physician and go to underdeveloped countries and serve there or even do doctors without borders while sophie encourages primary care and wants you to serve underserved communities in the US. I wanted Sophie, got rejected, felt hurt, and moved on and so should you!


You know I was just thinking the same way today. I was reading about CCNY on reddit from people 10 months ago, and they all said everything you said about the construction and the safety of the school. I also donā€™t want to be a primary care physician and I originally had a different plan in mind anyway because I want to earn an MBA as well. Thank you so much for offering this perspective! It was much needed for those of us who got rejected. I wish all of you, especially @Toor03 ,the best of luck wherever you go. I have moved on a long time ago lolšŸ˜‚.


Haha yes. Thatā€™s actually very good to hear! Good luck to you as well. I am probably going to go to Hunter which offers diverse array of majors, is cheap, and is a decent school. Good luck to you as well! And if any thing this experience should just motivate you further as it has done with me. Good Luck to everyone who got in, to everyone who didnā€™t get in. And I was also thinking of a Masters or MDphD lol but Iā€™ll see.