Sophie Davis Fall 2021

We’re in state. I actually thought she didn’t get in, she interviewed middle of last month and we never heard back from them till the day before yesterday

Thank you so much .It’s hard to know what to believe, some posts online are suggesting that when it comes to matching in residency programs kids from SD are at a disadvantage. She did great throughout high school , High Honor Roll with distinction, AP classes but her SAT scores were just average, fortunately SATs were not compulsory this year

Remember most medical schools cannot match 100%. Also, the schools you mentioned are not top tier colleges like Ivies or other great institutions. SUNY schools are good but you’re doing your daughter a disservice to consider SUNY schools vs Sophie Davis program. I’m sure there are over 100 well qualified Sophie applicants with great SAT, GPA and ECs that did not get acceptance and wondering why and what else they could have done to get a spot. These same candidates also receive acceptance to some great schools but not Sophie.

Sophie Davis has a great mission of taking on females and minorities but this does not mean they will put unqualified physicians to serve the community. Hence you see higher drop out rate than other bsmd programs. Good luck to your daughter!

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I will say do some research on these schools cause it’s a lifetime decision. Also look on the pros and cons for each school. Watch YouTube’s videos on these school and also look what student’s say… as far as Ik most of the students drop of sd in the middle…but also it’s your decision and ur daughter…

While sophie davis may be a great school, I’ve heard from many students recently that the campus itself is actually falling apart and that the science and math professors are horrible. In fact they are so bad that the school purposefully hides their names when it comes time to choose times and create a schedule and only release them a week before class after class registration has ended. It’s as if the school is covering for these teachers. Also, consider the area it is located in. The campus itself may be safe in certain areas, but outside the campus (not even a block away) there are drug addicts and thugs. So many incidents of harassment by the drug addicts near the towers and homeless people. Many students report robberies over the years and experience harassment (especially female students) on the subway station to get there and from some professors in the department as well. After 4 or 5pm, students run home because of how dangerous it gets in that location. In addition, the match rate is 100% for CSOM because not all students who started out in the program stayed. While Sophie Davis may offer a once in a lifetime opportunity to skip the MCAT and save a year of school, it also has its cons to consider like any other great school. I cannot make this decision for your daughter, but I can offer you a different perspective. I too was enamored with sophie davis and all it had to offer but once I started networking and talking to people who are actually in the program, they told me all of the above and I was surprised. If your daughter can handle it, by all means she should go but make sure to consider the cons as much as the pros. There is always a trade off to be made when it comes down to college decisions and it’s up to her what that will be.


Also, sometimes it’s not all about whether or not you can handle the rigor of the program. The campus and opportunities within are important to consider as well. Hope this helped!

What are the chances of getting off the waitlist? Should I be getting my hopes up or no…

I was waitlisted, too. But honestly, I’m glad about it. It taught me a a lot. At first, I was completely bummed about it. However, the more research I did and the more students I talked to that are actually in the program, I eventually was able to snap out of my over-idealization of the program. I’ve become disillusioned with Sophie, actually. Many of the reasons being what @ellona0327 mentioned. To everyone that got in, congrats. But to those of us that are waitlisted/ rejected, guys: it’s a blessing in disguise. There are much, much better things in store. Trust me


I had the same exact experience lol :joy::joy:

@kellis890tennis where are you thinking of going

I’m OOS, so I’m thinking of Rutgers NB. I’m really excited for the opportunities and sense of college life that the school has to offer. Truly, when one door closes, another opens! :slight_smile: what about you?


Yes exactly! I’m proud! I’m in NY so I’m going to Hunter College and I’m so excited.

The same thing happened to me as well.

You were also waitlisted?

I really think Sophie really overlooked some applicants this year.


Sophie and all the great colleges overlook excellent candidates every year. This is nothing new and there are so many great students with limited spots. For future Sophie Davis applicants please consider this. Make sure to put yourself in the best position possible and don’t chance it. Everything matters from your high school GPA, how many AP classes you take (shows you can handle the rigor of Sophie), SAT, ACT, recommendation letters, ECs, Essays (very important) and interviews (these folks provide feedback to admission committee). If you take any of these for granted, this can be a huge mistake. This goes for all the universities.

For those who did not get into Sophie, it’s ok to go through the traditional route. You’ve gained valuable experience with the BSMD process and remember this journey, 4 years from now it will be you who will be accepted. Again, make sure you get excellent GPA, MCAT, ECs in college and knock’em dead on your medical school admission process. If you think the next 4 years in college will be easier, remember there are Ivies and top college candidates who will be vying for the same spots 4 years from now. Work hard and your dream will come true!

Good Luck!

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I got rejected from Sophie Davis but got accepted into NYIT BS/DO program

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Yes, I heard from the current undergraduate 1 student’s that there is a professor who makes exam questions just 5/10 mins before the exam…they were also saying that they didn’t learn anything from one of the class and they gonna cheat or fail the exam…

Hey… where is ur daughter heading to?? I wish her good luck…

SD, I guess, thank you

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