Sophie Davis Fall 2021

No, I haven’t gotten an interview invitation yet. But I’m optimistic tho, I worked really hard on the Essays and my Extracurriculars fit, would be lowkey disappointed if I didn’t even get an interview invitation.

But like I said, anyone can go to Med School from any college if you try enough.

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Yeah Good Luck. I don’t believe they look at your essays and recs to give you an interview. Just grades, stats, and the rest of your application. After the interview they look at recs, essays and the interview to give their final decision.

Hey. They do look at your essays. In fact that’s the most important part of our applications that can make or break our chance of getting an interview. During the interview they talk about your essays so the essays are a major factor. That does not mean they don’t look at grades and stats but that plays a minimal role essays are huge. That’s what I have heard from the admissions committee and in general. Good luck to everyone.

yeah @Sophie_Rocks is right. I had some friends get interviewed in past years and their grades and stats were really different. It comes down to ur essays, especially this year cause no sat or act

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Yes absolutely. If interviews depended on stats then everyone with a high gpa would have definitely gotten in. But that’s not always the case, especially with Sophie. But as long as we did out best I’m pretty sure we all put the effort than we should definitely have hopes for an interview. Good luck once again.

No offense AT ALL. But I asked multiple people when I was in school, they look at grades, extracurriculars and SAT and ACT (not this year) and regents as well for interviews. The person who told me is the president of Sophie Davis Student Government and @livelifeokay also talked to another person who served on the admissions committee and they can bare witness to the fact that they in fact at most skim over the essays for interviews but they do not look at them in detail if at all to give out interviews.

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I totally understand where you’re coming from. The person who you talked obviously knows more than all of us as he is part of the student government. But at the end of the day no one knows what the admissions committee wants. Grades don’t define you as a person the only part that does is your essays. If grades were a factor than people with 1580 sats and 4.0 gpa would not get rejected. I obviously don’t know much but a few months ago one of the admission committee member came to visit our school and she said the part that sets you apart from other candidates is your essays that can potentially lead you to an interview. But I definitely respect your thoughts as well.

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I didn’t say grades were the only factors. The president (and its a she btw not a he) told me that the grades need to above 85 and for your regents especially the science ones they. They also look at your extracurriculars to see your interest in healthcare as well working with others and Science as well. They look at your college classes and AP Courses to see if you can handle the pretty fast curriculum. Lastly (she didn’t say this but its pretty clear) the look at your race and gender and immigration status. The mission of sophie davis is to reduce the healthcare disparity. Doesn’t mean everyone can’t get in but some groups are less likely to get in.

I’m not saying they don’t look at your essays at all especially this year but according to her that is more of a determining factor for the final decision in the following order ( and I quote) “interview, three essays, the five recs in that order, the test scores and grades will only help you get an interview” Again I’m not disagreeing with you, I;m only sharing with you what I have hear from others.

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I completely agree with you. All I said was my views in essays and their importance. I didn’t disagree with you in anything. And I never said grades were the only factors. Like you I just shared what I heard so I think we’re both correct. I appreciate your thoughts because I learned something new today from you like the order so thank you. But I didn’t want to go for an argument I just wanted to share my views in the essays. At least we both care and remember what we heard lol. Good luck once again.


Yeah of course. I just wanted to say i heard the same thing @Sophie_Rocks heard. My friend who made it to the interview last year said most of her interview was spent talking about her three essays. And at the Open House this year I remember them saying essays are the most important part of ur initial application. That’s also what I heard from current students at Sophie.
So theres really no way of knowing what happens behind closed doors, especially this year when SAT and ACT scores arent a factor


yes, I do agree with you. We could just hope for the best, at this point.


Yeah whoever gets the interview first (hopefully we all do eventually) can tell us all about it. :smile:


Definitely will let you guys know & likewise!! :slight_smile:

So on my regular CCNY application, it states that it is incomplete because the transcript is “pending” (my guidance counselor sent it on email over a month ago and through naviance). Everyone in my school who applied got the same problem. I did email cuny admission but they never responded. I just don’t want this to influence my Sophie Davis and Macaulay Honors Application but I have no idea what to do :confused:
My guidance counselor did send the transcript to Sophie Davis so hopefully they received it there.

Don’t worry. The regular CCNY application must be applied through the CUNY application or Macaulay honors both ways they are CUNY. So for them you don’t have to send transcripts they retrieve it through your student Id or osis number. So it must be pending because it’s still getting processed. Just wait a week after you apply and it will say received. The in,y one you have to electronically email your transcript to is Sophie Davis.
This is what was written on the CUNY website:

Current NYC DOE Public School Students

“If you’ve entered your OSIS number on the application, we’ll retrieve an electronic copy of your high school record. If you did not enter your OSIS number, please contact our Help Desk for Students. If you are currently attending a NYC Charter School, please request an official transcript to be sent to CUNY/UAPC.”

You can find more on this website if you’re still confused:

“Just wait a week after you apply and it will say received.”
I applied for Macaulay Honors early December though?
Thank you so much for your help! I didn’t know anything about how they process information from your OSIS number. I do plan on calling tomorrow though because my friend who applied last year from my school said he did that.

Oh okay. Then you shouldn’t worry about it too much. They retrieve the transcript through the osis. But definitely call tomorrow it wouldn’t hurt to call and see what they say.

Hey guys…did you guys send Sophie Davis your resume?!

Also interviews haven’t started. I had a webinar with a CCNY admission person & they said they haven’t started them yet.

Oh okay. They probably might start next week. What was the webinar about if you don’t mind me asking?