<p>I will be a sophomore next year and this is what I have signed up for. Do you guys think it is doable? </p>
<p>Ap chemistry (took honors freshman year)
Ap calc ab
Ap calc bc (we are required to take both. Ab is first semester bc second)
Ap environmental science
Ap macroeconomics
Ap psychology
Ap computer science (online)
Ap world history (self-study) (took honors this year with the ap teacher who practically taught us at an ap level)
Ap microeconomics (self-study)
Ap statistics (self-study)
Honors english 2</p>
<p>Dang. You’re not taking a language this schoolyear?</p>
<p>As a freshman I took French 1 and then I’m planning on doing the IB program at my school and there is a class called French ab initio which basically covers 1-4. I will then self-study the rest and either take the Ap exam or sat subject test. I am NOT a language person. I got an A in French 1 but I don’t know if I could get that in. Higher level language.</p>
<p>They are all doable… I wouldn’t recommend you to self-study any during your sophomore year… you still have an additional 2 years of high school left and I would suggest you do those later on for the highest score possible.</p>
<p>This schedule scares me
But I guess it’s doable (just wouldn’t be for me)</p>
<p>It’s definitely doable, you just need a lot of work ethic. This year I took 18 AP tests total. I was a junior, and I definitely wish I had done more sophomore year. You will definitely need to work hard and push yourself not to procrastinate though. </p>
<p>Check out my website if you need any help and feel free to ask me any questions! It gets hard, but I promise after that last test you will feel beyond fantastic.</p>
<p>@emily556, you took 18 AP exams JUST THIS YEAR?! Or is that freshman through junior year? </p>
<p>@OP, your plan looks hard, but if you are motivated then yes definitely go for it. My only suggestion is to self-study maybe one less (perhaps statistics).</p>
<p>I took 21 AP’s total, 18 my junior year. Just for clarification.</p>
<p>I only took 11 my junior (this) year; five fives, four fours, one three, and one two. My advice to you: don’t wait until mid-April to start six self-studies, especially if one of those self-studies is calculus, and don’t go to all-day long events the day before you have two AP tests. </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>I think it’s doable, but just be prepared for TONS of work…</p>
<p>How many full year classes can you take in school? I think it is doable. I would recommend you taking a language in place of environmental. That is an easy self-study so it wouldn’t be too much of a problem.</p>
<p>Are you prepared for all of these classes? Because that is a KILLER courseload. I’d strongly suggest that you tone it down a bit - take out the self studies and the online classes. There’s really no need for you to take every AP class under the sun. If you do well this year, then maybe add some more for next year. But I’d say you should test the waters first, especially if you’ve never taken an AP class first.</p>
<p>I mean, it’s do-able, sure. But lots of things are do-able. That doesn’t mean they’re practical, easy, or advisable.</p>
<p>I had another thought - what are your ECs? If you want to manage that schedule very successfully, you’ll need to have pretty much no ECs - which will hurt you a LOT in terms of admissions. I made sure I focused on my clubs/working at NIH/etc while I was studying for my 11 APs, which is why I didn’t do quite so well on my tests as I could have. Not having ECs pretty much kills your chances of getting into a high-caliber school, which I assume you’re aiming for.</p>
<p>Well these are my ec’s so far. Some elections are held at the beginning of the school year so I’m not positive about leadership positions in all the clubs.</p>
<p>Varsity tennis
Speech and debate
Fashion club (vice president) (already elected)
Caring for kids (icc rep) (already elected)
Deca (possibly officer)
Student council
Drama club (will probably be a part of the plays but will have to first audition)
And I have played piano for 10 years and compete in competitions outside of school
I volunteer with the special Olympics teaching kids tennis once a week</p>
<p>Try to earn some accolades or earn high officer positions (President, Team Captain, etc). As a you just finished your freshman year it’s understandable that you don’t have many accolades, but if you continue with that list and don’t do anything special in any of your clubs, it will end up looking (to adcoms, at least) like a ‘laundry list’ of clubs, even if to you it isn’t. If you think you have a real chance in getting Pres/Team Captain/High Awards in any of your clubs, I would recommend dropping an AP or two (either one of the more difficult ones or a couple ‘easy’ ones) and putting a lot of effort into that club. If not…you need to get a real chance, in which case depending on how tough your school is academically you may want to drop some APs to put more hours into your clubs anyway. </p>
<p>How tough is your school (how easy is it to get As, how much homework do you have/class/night, etc)? Don’t only go off of your freshman year. Hopefully you’ve talked to older students who have taken the classes. If not, try to do so. 6 hours of homework a night pretty much gets rid of all the work you could put into clubs/competitions/piano.</p>
<p>At my school we have 2 semesters so this is what my schedule will look like:</p>
<p>First semester:
Ap chemistry
Ap calc ab
Ap macroeconomics
Ap psychology
Ap computer science online</p>
<p>Second semester:
Ap chemistry
Ap calc bc
Ap environmental science
Honors English 2
Ap computer science online</p>
<p>I have already bought the Princeton review books for the self-studies and I’m going to start studying those soon so I’m not too overwhelmed. </p>
<p>I’m approximating these amounts of hw/studying each night.</p>
<p>Ap calc ab: 30mins/1 hour
Ap calc bc: 45/1 hour
Ap chem: 1hour (but I heard the teacher doesn’t check and just says "it’s not my problem, my class is hard and you will fall behind if you don’t do hw)
Ap pychology: 2 hours (the teacher gives a lot of busy work
Ap macro: 30 mins
Ap environmental: 45 mins
Ap comp science is kind of at my own pace because it is online. I will probably get most of it done over the weekends. I’m thinking I will spend about 4 hours a week.</p>
<p>So that means…
First semester: around 4-5 hours a night</p>
<p>Second semester: around 2.5-4 depending on honors English</p>
<p>Has anyone else had a schedule where they were working around 4 hours a night? If so how did you manage it?</p>
<p>I remember creating a 2hr. plan for 2 classes, Hon. Chem and Algebra II Sophomore year. The only advice I can give is to not procrastinate. Stick to it, reward yourself, and stay on top of things.</p>
<p>Parent here. I usually stay out of threads like this, but I have to ask. Why are you doing this? Is it to impress adcoms?</p>
<p>^That was my first impression too when I first read this thread. I try to stay out of them too, but you can’t really stop what these students are doing, you just kind of have to say what you have to say and move on.</p>
<p>I’d being lying if I said that I wasn’t trying to impress adcoms BUT I also want to challenge myself. I took all honors classes this year and we went at such a slow pace and you wouldn’t believe some of the questions that were asked (“are cyclops real?” “So is a noun like a verb?”). I am also very interested in most of the classes. This was my freshman schedule:
Honors geometry 94
Honors biology 98
Honors chemistry 99
Honors algebra 2 99
Honors English 1 100
Honors world history 99
French 1 97
Gym 100
Honors civics (online) 99</p>
Honors Precalc: 96 with 2 weeks left</p>
<p>I absolutely loved honors chemistry and that is the reason I signed up for ap chemistry. In order to graduate we need an environmental science credit so rather than taking honors I decided to take ap plus the teacher is awesome! I am a fairly strong math student and I feel like algebra 2/precal came very easy to me so I signed up for ap calc ab/bc. Even though the teacher gives a lot of work ap psych sounds interesting. I think I may want to major in economics so I chose to take ap macroeconomics. In order to compete in FBLA/ deca we need a CTE class (career technology education) and that is the only reason I am taking ap comp science. The self-studies are mainly because the colleges I want to go to are very expensive and while my family is fairly well off if I can self-study enough to graduate a year early that could save almost 50,000 dollars.</p>