Sophomore schedule

<p>Oh my god, you people are crazy o.0 i thought i was hardcore with spanish 6 :D</p>

<p>meh wahtever. i'm actually passed the stage of obsessing over elite colleges.</p>

<p>Which is a philosophical and psychological level was beyond that of their level. I too have been enlightened.</p>

<p>haha, i second that, con(y)o. </p>

<p>actually, the only reason i got over it is because i figured out a way that i can dual-enroll at the University of Minnesota--Twin Cities in 11th and 12th grade and take all my classes there, and since i'll already have a semester's worth of credits before 11th grade, i could graduate at age 19. or transfer to Michigan and graduate at 20. (and best of all, it's FREE. and normally i wouldn't qualify for finaid.)</p>

<p>anyway, there are definitely some excellent opportunities that don't have the ivy stamp of approval :P</p>

<p>god, i hate you.
(not really)
that courseload will probably be harder than my senior year courseload (im a freshman)....good luck with that.</p>

<p>I have no idea what CD I'm in...</p>

<p>I could care less about NCSSM personally </p>

<p>but I'm in Greensboro if that helps</p>

<p>You're in CD 6... (I actually have a fancy NCSSM folder... from NCSSM... it includes a map of CDs)</p>

<p>You're really close to the valley of death for NCSSM. (CD 4, which is east, of you has typically 400 applicants for 32 seats max.) They reject SAT 2400 applicants from CD 4. </p>

<p>I'm in CD 3, and I believe we tie for second most competitive in terms of numbers (32 max/150 average) with district 1, although sometimes your district has more applicants. I have to say though, that over here in my CD, most people never get past pre-cal. Most applicants in general to NCSSM only have Algebra II second semester of their sophomore year. The way I see admissions here is that math level really gives you a huge boost. Like a Cal AB student got accepted over a pre-cal student who had higher grades in the same classes otherwise. </p>

<p>Personally, there are many reasons I want to go to NCSSM. Not the least of which is my family issues.</p>

<p>You are waaaay too into that lol.</p>

<p>I realize that... I even have an NCSSM folder on my desktop... it comes before all of my class folders except for my APAH one.... </p>

<p>I downloaded the course catalog for 07-08, and I've probably been on their site more than anyone.... I've read the alumni announcements, the applicant announcements, heck-- I even have the password to, and have reviewed the teacher tools. I can name their severs, the building acronyms, ALL of their summer programs, all the exemption requirements, and when I went there for ethics and leadership I got to the assigned classroom before anyone else (including the student guides--- who got lost, and the session leader) while I left at the same time as them. When the student admissions helpers were answering questions of students I found myself knowing that their answer was incomplete or incorrect and I could quote the source of the answer that should be used. Needless to say, I really want to go there. (Maybe a little too much.)</p>

<p>Halie, my schedule's a lot like yours.
Honors Humanities==> I had Global 10 A or Global V now I have US History I
Drawing & Painting 1-2==> music same thing kind of
Honors World History
AP Euro (I'm auditing that as a senior)
Chem ==>yup
French 3-4==>taking Spanish III instead
Algebra 3-4==>Taking trig, log, and probability</p>

<p>Freeshirtsorg, I agree, it's a v. common schedule for sophs... almost all of my friends have some variation of it too.</p>