Sophomore Year Meal Plan Hindsight

<p>I was a recipient of C2012M’s son’s swipes last year on move-out day. And it makes sense to use more than one because if a student’s family is visiting, they may need multiple swipes.</p>

<p>BamamomfromNY, this semester’s swipes transfer to next semester (so the total really just needs to be used by the end of the year). I am 99.9% sure we are just stuck.</p>

<p>You can cohost the move-out party with me!</p>

<p>So glad I ditched the whole plan for D and did not even do the Greek 55 for her. She eats poptarts (peanut butter chocolate in case anyone wants to know which she prefers) and protein bars for breakfast. She eats lunch and dinner at the house. Throw in the occassional easy mac in the dorm room. She goes out a few times. It would have been a waste to have her on the Greek 55 unless I wanted to help host a large party at move out with C2M. I’ll have the poptart, easy mac party at Tut on move out, if she has any left.</p>

<p>Son has Bama 55 and has only swiped four times. I did not know he could swipe in friends. I will tell him to do that, as his roommate did not get a meal plan, and is paying out of pocket for his Bryant meals when they go there for lunch.</p>

<p>Son also is making use of his Bama Cash/Dining Dollars, so it’s not like he’s eating in his room. He’s just eating more at the Ferg Food Court instead of the dining halls.</p>

<p>When my son was a sophomore, we got a small meal plan. He used it fewer than 10 times all year. We did not pay the meal plan his final two years, but he did use his Dining Dollars.</p>

<p>Same as momreads. Sophomore year, son had a 55 meal plan, which together with dining dollars, was more than adequate, as he had meals left over at the end of that year.</p>

<p>Junior, and now senior year, he has not bought a meal plan and has found that dining dollars and bama cash covers his meal needs. He eats lunch on campus, but not always dining hall meals, which is about $9 per swipe. Food Court meals cost less. </p>

<p>He prefers to buy groceries at Publix and to cook meals he likes to eat. Occasionally, he will eat at the Strip.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if I can drop the bama55 meal plan for the spring semester?</p>

<p>nope, you can’t unless you have a medical reason or something.</p>

<p>Son is a freshman , greek plan 55 and has 39 left… he better start eating…</p>

<p>DS is sophmore with 90 meal plan and is perfectly on pace to use all of them and exhaust dining dollars during last week of semester. I think he puts a schedule together early in the semester and plans things out for proper usage… </p>

<p>His mother would LOVE to explain where he gets that to anyone who is willing to listen :)</p>

<p>LOL, MemphisGuy! We started this year telling S that even though he had a small meal plan, to go eat at the dining halls as much as he liked; we would upgrade his meal plan as needed. Never dreamed we would have to be planning how many he needed to actually use.</p>

<p>Hlsess, is that 39 out of 45 or 55? Remember to add those 10 guest meals back in (if the Greek plan is split the same as the Bama 55).</p>

<p>Creative uses of your meal plan from Bama Dining:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>C2012M, Tell DS to go get a to-go container of cookies to share with his study group! ;)</p>

<p>I also love the suggestion for hosting a party and getting a whole pizza to share!</p>

<p>Several of them go get pizzas and use them for hosting football game watching parties. Send several different kids to go get different things, some pizza, others cookies, one group fruit, etc. Then they can have a huge spread for a party, study group, game watching, etc.</p>

<p>it s 39/55 I think</p>

<p>Don’t forget the Student to Student Donate a Meal program. You can find this under the Action Card site, I believe. We do this every semester, as son never uses his meals. I usually wait close to the end of the semester, just in case he needs his meals during finals, but with only 4 meals used through half the semester, I think I’m safe to donate now. </p>

<p>I need to call dining to see if we can donate more than one meal, and to see if he can swipe in friends for meals. One thing I hate to see is food go to waste. And my waistline can prove this!</p>

<p>It’s interesting to see how many meals students are using when they have a meal plan.</p>

<p>In order to use more meals, my suggestion is to check the online menus [-</a> The University of Alabama](<a href=“]-”> and see which dining hall is serving what they want to eat. If they get to the dining hall and the menu is not correct (this has been an issue in the past), they can always turn around and go somewhere else. With the exception of Bryant, each dining hall displays the different foods being served during that meal on a table next to the cash registers. At Bryant, one can ask to go see the food before deciding to eat there.</p>

<p>Note that there are entrees that tend to only be served at certain dining halls and the food being served generally alternates on a 2 week schedule with the exception of special and unforeseen events.</p>