Sophomores- PSAT score?

<p>209 --> 2240 --> 2320</p>

<p>*** just happened??</p>

<p>If you are a sophomore, what did you get on the PSAT? (preferably specific scores)
And if you are a junior/senior or older, what did YOU get on the PSAT when you were a sophomore? </p>

<p>I just would like to see how I am doing relative to other sophomores on here.<br>
No I’m not trying to brag, because my score isn’t anywhere near brag-worthy anyway. </p>

<p>I got a 181.<br>
59 on critical reading, 54 on Math, and 68 on Writing.</p>

<p>Good job, both of you. And Pawn_H7, it’s the post-order glitch. Happens all the time. </p>

<p>Mine was kinda weird… both years, I got one wrong in each section.
Sophomore: 80 CR + 76 M + 78 W = 234
Junior: 79 CR + 75 M + 76 W = 230</p>

<p>Not bragging, just illustrating curves. As you can see, the curve was a lottt harsher last year.</p>

<p>On the real SAT, too, I got three wrong (although it was -2 CR and -1 W, unlike the other two dates.) That came out to 800 / 800 / 790 (because of a 9 essay.) A thing to keep in mind is that people’s SAT scores are almost always substantially better than their PSATs, even their junior year ones, because there are so many more questions and therefore the curve is a lot less extreme.</p>

<p>PSAT scores came…?</p>

<p>205 now as a sophomore.</p>

<p>Um, something like 80 for math, 70 for writing, and 55 for reading.</p>

<p>I tried on the math (kinda rushed it), for writing I tried but rushed the long sentences, and critical reading I simply bsed the whole thing and fell asleep.</p>

<p>way too tired, I’m not used to waking up that early, let alone on a saturday.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about your score though; I thought these standardized tests were so “alpha” but it’s not that big of a deal, really imo…don’t see why everyone correlates them to intelligence nowadays. It’s just filling in a couple bubbles and taking a test (you can also get lucky). Personally, I’d say something like this kind of test has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence, as I’m not considered smart at all and I thought I could pull off a 230+ if I tried (and I’ve never seen these types of questions before).</p>

<p>My friend who’s not considered smart broke a 220 as a sophomore, and this smart girl I know in my math class got a 175…figures.</p>

<p>Ugh, I want my PSAT scores back now. And I too got so tired on the last section (writing) I didn’t even read probably half the questions. And out of curiousity, what percentile was a 205?</p>

<p>Sorry, I have no idea. I just glanced at my score when I got it from my counselor and it’s probably all wet and ripped with gatorade inside my backpack ever since.</p>

<p>I didn’t even read the passages. I just went back and grabbed answers. </p>

<p>When I compared with friends after the test, who read them several times, I had the same answers.</p>

<p>I’m hoping for a 170-180.</p>

<p>^ Err, why not? Because you’re a slow reader and didn’t have time, or because you’re just THAT COOL?</p>

<p>Awesome job, Imavoyeur/Chlowas! Your M + CR = win.</p>

<p>raiderade- I know that post wasn’t directed at me but my score of 181 was an 88 percentile, if that helps.</p>

<p>I got 216 as a sophomore, -6 CR (69), -1 M (76), -3 W (71).</p>



<p>Nah. I just didn’t want to waste anymore time. I figured I’d take my sweet time on the sentence part, and realized - Oh, ****. I had five minutes left to do twenty questions. I hit the floor running. Finished, however.</p>

<p>I got a 216
71 CR 69 M 76 W</p>

<p>And then when I took that SAT last march I got a 2160, which apparently is odd. I’m a junior.</p>

<p>I got a 216 (78 CR, 60 M, 78 W). This was the Wednesday test. Now, I am awaiting PLAN scores. </p>

<p>For PSAT humor(?), my friend accidentally filled in the wrong major for her future major section, so she is about to get inundated with mail from various interior design schools.</p>

<p>I didn’t read any passages either. I simply couldn’t concentrate, too long, was tired.</p>


Horrible job reading, Poser/Kittens! Your comprehension skills + tehinternetz = fail.</p>

<p>lol great job guys!! I’m really not looking forward to my scores…</p>

<p>I got 190 (65 CR, 62 M, 63 W). I made some mistakes on the math section, whoops! =]</p>

<p>LOL I agree with you databox, I don’t really wanna see what I got.
We don’t get them back until like Dec. 15th so I have a long while.</p>


Oooh sorry. Your M + W = win. Go away. </p>

<p>Hahaha, sucks for the sophomores and juniors at my school. They’re scheduled to receive their scores in late January. XD</p>



<p>Wow that * really * sucks…I think we get them back the week before or the week of finals…</p>