Sorority Legacy Information

<p>I’m going to be rushing at alabama in 2013. I’m still a junior in high school. I’m a legacy at Phi Mu and my mom wants to send in the form early so that I can get invited to the tea parties. How early should she send it in? When can I start sending rec letters and all that stuff also? I pretty much have everything ready, I’m connected to greek life just not greek life at alabama. I live in NC so I know what it’s like there. Thanks, any helpful hints and tips are great too!!</p>

<p>The sororities start generating lists of incoming PNM’s in November. I would suggest she contact Phi Mu at that time. Remember being a legacy does not guarantee a bid. Many houses at Alabama have so many legacies that they could fill one or two pledge classes with them. Legacy status gets you invited back to Philanthropy parties as a courtesy.
I wouldn’t send in your recs until right before Preview Weekend at the earliest. The new recruitment chairs are elected in December and they do not change over until January when the girls return from Christmas break. Preview is usually around the third weekend in March.</p>

<p>I’m rushing in fall '13 as well, except I’m a dude, I’m not a legacy. I have a couple recs, but since I’m not a legacy when do students normally turn them in? Are recs even as necessary for fraternities? Or are they just recommended? Thanks!</p>

<p>Letters of rec aren’t necessary nor accepted for fraternity rush. However if you know a former member from a UA chapter tell them to send your name and contact info to the rush chairman of that particular fraternity. It will get you on their list and an invite to a few rush parties. From there you are on your own.</p>

<p>Fraternities don’t use recs.</p>

<p>Guys generally use what my DD’s boyfriend calls the “bro” system to Rush. The guys go about it in a whole different way than girls. For some they have connections through high school and other friends and so starting in the Spring they guys start getting invited and coming down to all kinds of different activities (Band parties). Most major fraternities have some big planned weekend each spring…Beta Lei, Lambda Chi Luau…
Bids can be given at these events.<br>
During the summer they will continue to have Rush events…Braves games, Float trips…again invites are basically done by word of mouth, email and some fraternities do send letters and printed invites. The way to get invited…find a way to contact the fraternity and let them know you are interested in Rushing. I have helped several guys from CC by using the fraternity contacts we have to get them invited to events.
You can also register for Rush on the the UA Greek Affairs website. Your name will then be given to fraternities and if they want they will invited you to events.
There also is a sort of formal Rush for guys right after school begins…again…register at Greek Affairs.
Some of the parents who regularly post here have sons in fraternities and I think they all have had a different Rush experience.
Recs are not used with fraternities. Sometimes a resume of sorts is submitted…especially if the guy who is wanting to Rush has no fraternity contacts and someone is reaching out in his behalf.
Good Luck!!</p>

<p>Thank you all very much, this was so helpful, as I believe that the Greek system will become a big part of my life and very beneficial. So thanks again! I will defiantly do all of this stuff.</p>