<p>I recently read on another thread that many sororities have GPA cut-offs that must be met in order for a rushee to be offered a bid. The post said that at many schools they are are 3.5 or higher. Is this the case at UVA?</p>
<p>Each UVA chapter will have a minimum GPA requirement. I do not believe any chapter at UVA has a minimum 3.5. You can find this information here: </p>
<p>[Chapters</a> | Virginia ISC](<a href=“http://virginiaisc.com/chapters/]Chapters”>http://virginiaisc.com/chapters/)</p>
<p>Thanks! Very helpful</p>
<p>Is there a link that provides more information about the sororities?</p>
<p>[Fraternity</a> and Sorority Life | Inter-Sorority Council](<a href=“http://www.virginia.edu/fsl/isc.html]Fraternity”>http://www.virginia.edu/fsl/isc.html)</p>