Sorry, but I really need fast answer as SAT deadline approaches

<p>I got my scores back today, and I wonder if I have to retake them considering the fact that I apply to top tier colleges..</p>

<p>Math 2c 770
Biology 720</p>

<p>I would say those are fine and not worth retaking. If you are applying to MIT in Caltech in particular, the math score may be a bit low. For other top tier schools though, those are fine.</p>

<p>Also for Ivies, williams, Vassar etc???</p>

<p>Anyone else??</p>

<p>please please reply</p>

<p>come on, I just need a few opinios, before I can make up my mind whether I retake it or not</p>

<p>Those are my SAT II scores exactly, and I was wondering about retaking them for the top tier liberal arts colleges. But I feel like it doesn't matter all that much; once they see that your scores are more than respectable they'll then turn their focus to some other aspect. I ended up not retaking and not taking any others because I can't bring myself to care that much.</p>

<p>even caltec and mit, i think those are fine...pesonally, but those aren't my concentration</p>