<p>i'm a sophomore, but i'm just curious on how "good" my current stats are. and please don't reply if you're going to just tell me "why are you worrying already".. this is just out of me being curious :)</p>
<p>college plans: of course everyone dreams about HYPS.. but i'm mainly wondering how my stats compare for the UC's and some liberal arts colleges, like Pomona College or Amherst.</p>
<p>but here's my stats.. and gimme some constructive criticism! thanks so much. (:</p>
<p>Class of 2007
- GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.54 W
- Rank: Top 5% out of class of 500+
- School: Public science magnet school. One of the most competitive in the state.
- SAT I/SAT II: Didn't take them yet.. Planning to take this fall. I got a 710 on Bio last October, but I'm not sure if I'm going to use that score. (Not saying that it's terrible, but it could be better.)
- Academic Courses: All honors, most rigorous, etc. Blah blah :)
- Honors: CSF, Principal's Honor Roll all semesters (not sure if that means anything)</p>
<p>Extracurricular Activities so far
- Science Olympiad: My school's team is one of the top in the nation, so I'm extremely proud to be on the team. 3x medalist in regionals
- FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America): National Champion and State Champion (1st Place) in my competitive event, multiple winner at Regionals, Project Executive Director
- Orchestra: Principle (1st Chair) Clarinetist, going to perform in the Sydney Opera House this summer
- Korean Club: Secretary, part of the founding executive board
- School Newspaper: Staff writer, hoping to become an editor senior year :)</p>
<p>Are my extracurricular activities strong to keep me in the competitive pool of applicants? I'm wondering if me winning nationals for FBLA is considered a big thing or no.. I know I'm weak in having no sports, but I'm not too worried about that.</p>
<p>p.s. no, i'm not one of those "phased out" uptight students who will jump off a cliff if i don't get into Harvard or Princeton (no offense meant to anyone!), I'm really looking forward to attending UCLA and maybe even Stanford if i'm extremely (and i mean EXTREMELY) lucky. the only reason why i'll ever be slightly worried is because alotta good, qualified students from my high school were rejected this year.. not just from HYPS, but from decent schools they should have been accepted to.</p>