Southern Hospitality

<p>Well my ds is not coming home to CA for Thanksgiving ): but guess where he will be? At Dean Sharpe’s house. That’s right. Seems my son mentioned to one of his honors college professors that he would be on campus on Thanksgiving, and alone, and next thing he new he got a personal email from the dean inviting him to come along with a few other OOS to his home. Now would this ever happen at UCLA or UCSD? I don’t think so. This is just another reason that I am so happy my son is at UA. He will also be going to the Auburn game on Friday with another student in one of his classes. Sounds like a great weekend. Thanks Dean Sharpe and UA</p>

<p>That’s great to hear. Always nice to have a home cooked meal on Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>Your son will have a great time at the game on Friday too. Nothing like one’s first Iron Bowl. We’re gonna drill those cow molesters too.</p>

<p>Totally agree on the thread title :slight_smile: DS has been invited by frat big brother home for Thanksgiving day and they’ll be back for the Iron Bowl Friday … RTR</p>

<p>LOL at the cow molesters remark - ! Have a great holiday y’all…</p>



<p>My sentiments exactly, bassettmomma. Dr. Sharpe extended his Thanksgiving invitation to my son as well, but he had to decline because he is with family on the West Coast this weekend. So, in lieu of a Thanksgiving meal he dined at a local restaurant with Dr. Sharpe, who invited him simply to see how he was adjusting to UA and to find out what he liked and disliked about the school. The man, and this university, are simply marvelous.</p>

<p>As my son put it in an e-mail, “Dr. Sharpe is one cool cat.”</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving, y’all. Our family is grateful for your contributions and for the opportunity to be a part of the UA family.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>


<p>Good story…and I hear that the hospitality in Hawaii is pretty good, too. :)</p>



<p>True that, m2ck. But, then again, we are the southernmost state. :)</p>


<p>ha ha!</p>

<p>wow malani! sounds like DS has made quite the impression at UA…</p>

<p>Thanks, AL34, but I think Dean Sharpe was mostly checking in to see how it’s going since he’s so far from home and Hawaii doesn’t yet have a well-established history of sending students to Bama.</p>

<p>not yet they don’t… ;)</p>