Space Bags

<p>Has anyone used these to maximize space in their suitcases? Do they work?
Are they worth it?</p>


<p>What are they? Those bags where you suck the air out?</p>

<p>I'd want to make things as easy as possible for the security people, and somehow I don't see them hauling out a vacuum cleaner to suck the air out of space bags. </p>

<p>On the other hand, the bags might be good for storage in your room if you have seasonal things you don't need for a while.</p>

<p>i kind of think that you should maybe just bring the stuff you'll be using immediately in the suitcase. maybe use the space bags to help ship stuff over; it's probabbly a better idea to ship the bulk of your items. also, don't forget, you're living in evanston, you should be able to buy a lot of stuff there/chicago (ie winter coat, etc.) besides, if you get your stuf there, you can see the evanston trends =)</p>

<p>Be careful w/Space Bags in luggage. You can get so much more in a suitcase with them and suddenly your suitcase weighs 75# instead of 50. Big charge for overweight bags.</p>

<p>ADREW5449, that's a very good point. It's amazing how easy it is to go over the 50 lbs. limit in a large suitcase, without space bags. As far as cost goes, I checked for a flight I took a few weeks ago, and the extra charge was $50 between 50 - 75 lbs. Beyond that it gets much more expensive, and they won't even take the bag if it's over 100 lbs.</p>