Spanish 201

What is Spanish 201 equivalent to in terms of high school Spanish courses?

Depends on the high school. But for an average high school, Spanish 4

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Also depends on the college. The college’s Spanish department may have placement guidelines on its web site, or you can ask it directly.

Spanish Language Program | Spanish and Portuguese has an example table of placement guidelines, plus additional recommendations. Check if the college in question has something similar.

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Didn’t notice the San Diego State University tag on the post before. But if that is the college, here is a page of its Spanish department placement guidelines: Language Requirement and High School Equivalencies | Spanish and Portuguese | Arts & Letters | SDSU

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Since you tagged SDSU, here is the SDSU class information :

SPAN 201 - Intermediate Spanish I

Units: 4 GE

Offered at: SDSU Main Campus and SDSU Imperial Valley

Four lectures plus laboratory.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 102 or completion of the third year of high school Spanish.

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Thank you. It seems that spanish 201 follows 101 and 102 so I was wondering if that would be equivalent to 3rd year high school. A comment on a different forum said that 201 is a review of 101 and 102 so I am just a little confused.

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Was referring to SDSU, but did not know exactly which forum to post this question on. I’m new here. Thanks!

Thank you.

Thank you. That is very helpful.