Spare me a chance?

<p>Alright, I slacked. But <em>think</em> I'm decent enough to consider lower-ended competitive schools.</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA is a solid 4.47. I'm a Californian resident. I'm also Salvadorean. My UC GPA is also a strong (I think... that's why I'm here) 4.84, ranked as #1 in the school.</p>

<p>I was able to hit a 2110 on the SAT, did not take the ACT (should I make an effort to at this point?), and got 660 in SAT ST Chem, and a mediocre 610 in Lit (the chem's not that great, but it doesn't make me cringe, at least.)</p>

<p>So obviously I'm going to shoot for a UC. But I'm crippled in the EC department:</p>

<p>*Senior Yearbook Editor</p>

<p>*Hosted a video gaming tournament (which I can milk because it's something I legitimately like to do) to raise about $1,200 for the Child's Play charity.</p>

<p>*Mock Trial for senior year</p>

<p>*I was in a few school plays :D</p>

<p>...yeah. not as strong as writing a best-selling novel. Any suggestions for that field?</p>

<p>Ideally (synonymous with "won't happen"), UC Berkeley will take me into their college of Engineering, ignoring their 9% admissions rate, and shower me with roses when I arrive. But in all seriousness, where do I belong? And do I have a good shot at some of the more prestigious UCs? What about Cal Tech? Any matches come to mind? I haven't written a personal statement, but I'm hoping I can right a dam-- darn good one.</p>

<p>Thanks for reading--I seriously appreciate any critique, advice, and insults you can offer me!</p>

<p>A 2110 on the SAT is certainly nothing to be sneezed at… I think you’ve basically chanced yourself: Good GPA and test scores but you are lacking a bit in ECs. Like you yourself said, you should definitely be able to get into a good school–perhaps not UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering, but a good school nonetheless. Good luck! Chance me? :wink: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;