Does anyone know anything about special interest housing for frosh? Specifically, which dorms they’re usually placed into and what the culture is like? I heard something about being placed in Perkins, but I thought that was sophomore housing. I also heard about being in Pembroke campus. Where is it actually?
There isn’t “special-interest” housing for first years, besides sub-free housing/single-gender floors, etc. I believe first-year dorms are most of Pembroke campus, Keeney, Wayland. Maybe still Littlefield? Perkins used to be, but isn’t any longer.
Currently, first-year housing is Keeney, Wayland, and Pembroke (including recently some of the New Pembroke dorms). Reslife will match people who opt into same-gender/sub-free housing and will try to put them together on a floor in some of the resident’s halls. The top floor of some Keeney dorms (that are usually smaller because the kitchens/lounges are also there) usually houses a single-gender cohort, for example. But to my knowledge, where exactly “special interest students” go changes from year to year based on availability.