<p>This may come off as a dumb question, but what is the purpose of a special interest community? Are they support groups that go on outings? What is so special about them?</p>
<p>it's just a way of meeting new people and doing things that you enjoy doing..like the Cinema Floor is for people who love movies or are planning on majoring it it..Personally I'm not really into them.</p>
<p>Does anyone know what dorms have a “Cinema Floor”? I am applying to the Cinematic Arts school and was wondering which floor or floors have an emphasis on cinema. It would really help when the time comes to apply for housing. Thanks.</p>
<p>^I think it’s New/North.</p>
<p>Isn’t one of the great things about going to college supposed to be the ability to interact with people with diverse ideas and interests? Isn’t living in a special interest community kind of defeating the purpose? Please excuse me if I’m wrong.</p>
<p>dubblyu91, you make a good point. Stay open-minded and meet cool new kids. But it’s also true, when attending a very large university, that it might be comforting to find smaller communities in which to find a pool of new friends with whom you have a lot in common right off the bat. The kids in these special interest communities are very loosely organized. You may attend special dinners once or twice a month, go to the theatre, or some other activity once a semester. Just enough to find a few good friends from a smaller pool.</p>
<p>Fwiw, my S is a freshman in USC’s SCA and decided not to live on the Cinema Floor because he felt he’d be able to meet a lot of those kids in his film classes, anyway. Instead, he lives in another dorm and really enjoyed meeting a broader group of backgrounds. To each his/her own!</p>
<p>I also think the Cinema floor makes sense for students who are not majoring in Cinema but wants to be involved with Cinema outings.</p>
<p>Hm, makes sense. Thanks for the insight!</p>
<p>dubblyu91, the cinema floor is the third floor of New/North. This year, I think most of the kids are not in cinema but are interested in going into it.</p>
<p>Thank you. I’ll go on the website and take a look at the rooms in New/North.
As for the person who wondered if having part in/living in a special interest group or housing would be benificial, I would like to suggest that you take part in as many of these oppertunities as possible. I have two years of college under my belt so far, the first at a University, and the second at a Community College. While attending University was much more expensive, the classes were no harder or “advanced” than that of the Community College. What did set them apart were the people and groups that I was able to take part in, as well as the campus itself. I think I would have walked away from that first, and very expensive year, bitter, had there not have been special interest groups to take part in and mingle with. Living in one, in my opinion, could only be that much more exciting and worthwhile. Afterall, it’s only where you lay your head. The campus, and the whole city for that matter, should be made into your playground.</p>
<p>I think the cinema floor kids have their own facebook group, you might want to check that out and actually talk to the ones that are living on the floor.</p>
<p>Cinema Floor is the most awesome place to live if you like movies. And if you’re worried about the party reputation of New/North, this stretch of the third floor generally tends to be much tamer but one can easily travel to different parts of the building, if you’re looking for a party that isn’t an aggregation of cinema floor guys playing video games in the cinema floor lounge on the projector :)</p>
<p>Live there!
And let me know if you like in 1371… heehee</p>