Spelman 2024

Good luck to all applicants … get the conversation going about admissions and enrolling.

My daughter applied a few weeks ago. She’s not attached to a particular college as of yet, but I think her heart wants to study at a top HBCU. But, she’s definitely consistent in not wanting any debt. I’m concern that if accepted, Spelman will offer her loans only.

She’s applied to a combination of HBCU’s and PWI’s. She’s been accepted (no financial awards yet) to three of the five HBCU’s applied to so far (waiting on Spelman and Howard), so we’re excited about her acceptances thus far.

It’s unfortunate that our HBCU’s don’t have the money as the PWI’s. Our family donate and fundraise for HBCU’s as I know the importance of these institutions for our children. However, as parents we’re torn between supporting our HBCU’s by getting in debt and making the best financial decision for our family. I’m worried that the financial awards from PWI’s will be far more realistic.

Here’s her stats…
STEM:Computer Science Major
4.3 Weighted, 3.93 Unweighted
1240 SAT
26 ACT

Good Luck to everyone, wishing the best for your family!

  1. Even though your daughter stats are strong, they are mediocre for the highly ranked HBCUs (especially Spelman and Howard). There are so many other kids with those same stats applying to Spelman, Howard, Xavier, etc. She may get a scholarship but it’s unlikely. I would encourage her to retake the ACT/SAT and get it a bit higher … preferably 30+ ACT and SAT equivalent … that will help her stand out more and possibly get an impressive scholarship

  2. Your daughter will be more likely to get a full scholarship to public HBCUs with her current stats. Public HBCUs are less competitive when it comes to admissions but I feel the quality of the education is still there for the most part. FAMU, Prairie View A&M, Alabama A&M, Jackson State, North Carolina A&T, Texas Southern, Morgan State, and Tennessee State are my favorite (and in my opinion, strongest) public HBCUs … I recommend you look into them. Generally speaking, public HBCUs (state supported) are better funded than private HBCUs.

  3. Spelman is well known for not giving many scholarships, I highly recommend you all focus on securing outside scholarships to help pay for her education. There are so many scholarships out there waiting for applicants. I would have her apply for at least 5 scholarships a week.


@NuScholar thank you for your insight and very helpful information. :slight_smile:

hopefully i get in, i dont have much volunteer hours and i have 5 extra curriculars & held leadership positions to my name. ive done dual enrollment and my act score is a 28. i did get suspended for faking my death though lol. i think imma write bout it in my college essay to enlighten the admissions officer about the incident or i should write about something completely different and act like the suspension never happened and only report it in the common application portion. not sure yet, this college stuff is stressing me outt. i hope i get in, it is definitely my top college

@ratedbabygirl Personally, I think you may want to write about it in your essay. But you should ask the admission counselors directly … they hold Q&As all the time on Instagram. Go follow them at @SpelmanAdmiss and possibly send them a DM … but only if your instagram account doesn’t have any questionable content that will hinder you from getting in because Spelman admission counselors are likely to take a peek at some of things you post to see if your character aligns with Spelman’s reputation.

Based on a few things you mentioned, I wouldn’t be surprised if you get in. I wish you the best of luck!

Just got the email that I got in!!! Anyone else?

Does Spelman have rolling admissions?

I got in!

@mendes101 Congrats girl!!! I hope to see you this Fall. I late applied as a transfer and had a question for you, as I’m waiting for a decision letter (and obviously it’s VERY close to term start). Were you able to see your enrollment confirmation email before your letter arrived? It says that the enrollment confirmation form will be available on our Spelcheck portal if we get accepted, but I wonder if that’s only after they are able to confirm that you’ve received your admissions decision. Thanks for the help!

@musicallover2040 Congrats to you too girl!! I have the same question for you or anyone else in the thread.

I late applied as a transfer and had a question for you, as I’m waiting for a decision letter (and obviously it’s VERY close to term start). Were you able to see your enrollment confirmation email before your letter arrived? It says that the enrollment confirmation form will be available on our Spelcheck portal if we get accepted, but I wonder if that’s only after they are able to confirm that you’ve received your admissions decision. Thanks for the help!