Sports passes available now. Limited tickets.

Just reserved my son’s sports pass. They limit the number sold, so grab one now if interested. We got the 12th Man Pass for 290.00. Access to all sporting events for the year. It will bill to your student account. From what I’ve read, these do sell out, so don’t wait if you think your student will attend at least some games. Looking at individual prices, the 290.00 is a steal.

Yes, you are correct - they do sell out. The alternate option is partial football tickets - in recent years those too have sold out. Football games are very popular activities - other groups often get together to go to the game together. So, even if you think they may not want to go, they often start to attend with the groups from other activities they join.

If you have a student ticket, you can also get a guest ticket in the student section. You do stand the entire game but it is lots of fun! IF your student decides not to go to a game then they can either give or sell their student ticket to someone else to use. Any student can use a student ticket, and any guest can upgrade a student ticket to be used by anyone.

The cost of the ticket is added to your university bill - you do not pay for it at the time you reserve it. Out of town games are extra cost and they go on sale during the summer - game by game. The pass is good all year for all sports on campus. You buy a pass, not a seat - your seat changes for every event. There is a priority system ( seniors pull first etc) but you just need a majority in your group to determine your pull day ( 4 senior + 3 freshman = senior pull BUT 3 seniors + 4 freshman = freshman pull)

@AGmomx2 Thank you! As always, there are so many things to learn! Without a doubt, there has never been a boring moment in the process of becoming an Aggie!!