<p>I'm unsure of whether to continue gymnastics this year. I've been a three-sport athlete since freshman year (I'm a junior), and I would still do two other sports. How much would giving up gymnastics affect my college apps? I really want to dedicate my time to school.</p>
<p>I don’t think that giving up gymnastics will affect your apps at all. Especially if it ends up helping your grades/test scores since you say you’ll be able to dedicate your time to school…</p>
<p>won’t affect it but i’d do gymnastics anyway</p>
<p>So this is super corny, but I think it’s more whether or not you enjoy/like it.</p>
<p>If you enjoy it, and can still maintain grades (in fact, people who play sports tend to have better grades and good time management–or so I’ve been told), then I’d continue.</p>
<p>If you have no passion whatsoever, that’s a different story.</p>
<p>So cheesy advice, but true enough I believe.</p>
<p>Ooh, are you a three-sport varsity athlete? That’d be pretty cool lol; I only know two kids in my graduating class that are three-separate-sports varsity athletes (a few do winter/spring track in addition to a fall sport, but that doesn’t really count).</p>
<p>If gymnastics is something you enjoy (I know a few gymnasts who have been at it since their fifth birthday), then don’t give it up. At the same time, you don’t want to sacrifice your academic growth.</p>
<p>“in fact, people who play sports tend to have better grades and good time management”</p>
<p>^^ you should see every school I’ve either attended or visited.</p>
<p>“We have the second highest gpa of our sports’ teams in the state! An average of 3.5!”</p>
<p>Go figure.</p>
<p>^I’m confused…</p>