spot accepted, PID set up, Hypatia accepted... now what? How do you find a roommate?

<p>Just trying to figure out how all this works. I know kids from other schools who have actually met their roommates already! How does this all work at VT? Will they be assigned someone based on a questionnaire or is it possible to find someone on a designated facebook page or website? When do we find out about orientation days? </p>

<p>I am a VA tech newbie also but I think unless you request a roommate on the housing contract, one is randomly assigned. My son just told me there is a facebook group “VA Tech class of 2018 roommate search” or something like that. As far as orientation, if you sign into hokiespa the orientation dates come up that match your major. It took me a little bit but I figured out that the GE in front of the orientation dates must stand for “General Engineering”. If anyone has more info or if I am incorrect on anything, please post. </p>

<p>My son was in the Honors dorm this year and found his roommate through the Honors dorm Facebook page… Check to see of Hypatia has something similar where you can post for a roommate. </p>

<p>Hypatia does have a facebook page. Have your daughter check it out.</p>

<p>In Galileo, students without roommates are assigned alphabetically. First year Engineering students spend a LOT of time studying together. This is one of the advantages of being part of the Hypatia or Galileo communities - everyone lives together so its easy to quickly gather on the floor in the hall to do homework or go to a study lounge. While everyone wants a roommate that they like, I think your daughter will find that she becomes very tight with the other Engineering students. This is how it worked in Galileo for my son during his freshman year.</p>