Ssat anxieties

<p>I am taking the SSAT's this saturday with a consultant and im pretty nervous. I get good grades and consider myself intelligent but the math section of the test just really beats me up. I've gone through all the lessons in the books and I am just not practice testing consistently. I feel comfortable with the verbal and reading but I just get brain juggled on some of the math questions.</p>

<p>What are some good strategies to pace myself? I am in 10th grade so I do have to answer most of the questions. 25 minutes just doesn't seem like enough.</p>

<p>For those who have taken the test and done well, what advice do you have to offer? Did you find the practice tests harder than the real things?</p>

<p>I really do not want a terrible ssat to become the barrier between me and acceptance</p>

<p>Don’t sweat it. The best thing you can do is simply think logically. The entire test is centered on logic, and indeed it’s called a “reasoning test”. Anxiety will only distract you and cause your mind to become convoluted. The more straightforward your thinking is, the more prepared you will be to approach these math problems. Intuition will take you far.</p>

<p>I agree.
Look at the question for what it is - face value.
Don’t let anxiety overtake your mind and reasinong, it’ll mess you up majorly.
READ THE QUESTION THOROUGHLY. SO important… they’re VERY clever, and predict the mistakes people will make, and place the corresponding answer just to fool you.
Pace yourself. Look for the easiest questions first, and then work up to the hardest - don’t waste time on one that you don’t feel you can tackle just to stay in order.</p>

<p>Good luck! I’m strong in math, but weak in verbal so cross your fingers for the both of us!</p>