<p>Yes, I think you should take them again. If you get a better score, it'll only make your chances higher to get into a school. I'm retaking my SSAT. But this time, I'm not sending the scores to the school. I'm ordering the Web Bundle, which lets you send your score to ten school anytime after the test, until july 2008, all for an extra $25, and thats way cheaper because regularly, its $10 a school. So, on the retake, if the scores are better, then i'll send the score off to the schools.</p>
<p>I am doing the same thing. What schools are you applying to? I am applying to Emma Willard, Hotchkiss, Choate, Miss Porter, and Blair. I am really surprised with my scores because i never do that badly.</p>
<p>I am really hoping to get in to the schools.</p>
<p>I just got my report card:
Religious Studies - 100
Reading - 96
Language Arts - 92
Mathematics - 95
Social Studies - 98
Science - 96
Foreign Language - 98
Average - 96</p>
<p>I am in all accelerated classes.
I have played violin for 7 years
I have dances for 8 years
I was on the swim team for 2-3 years
I played soccer for a year
I did presentations on downs syndrome
I am on the quiz bowl team
-and much much more</p>
<p>I have great teachers recommendations
The one interview I have already had went really well</p>
<p>I'm applying to (thinking of)
Code SchoolName
5758 Phillips Academy
5068 Middlesex School
3598 Groton School
5098 Milton Academy
6730 St. Mark's School
2770 Deerfield Academy
6460 St. George's School
6886 St. Paul's School
5764 Phillips Exeter Academy</p>
<p>I got hypothermia on the day of the test, actually half a week before. However, i was certain i could do well on the test. I got btw 85- 95% on verbal, 96-97% on math, 87-95% on reading on all my 4 or 5 practice tests i took.</p>
<p>I am going to take it again in December or January.
I was confused with the scores because every year I get a 99% score on the ITBS (standardized testing that my school takes).</p>
<p>Sure, those are good ECs. But during application, you should put the awards and honors you got for each one. Its about quality in EC over quantity. I know this stuff a little because my sis went through this process. She went to St. Mark's, which is a really nice and rich school. I think you should get a recommendation from a EC coach or teacher. At least that's what i'm doing.</p>
<p>I'm retaking mine in December. 8th i think. I got Perfect on MCAS (standardized testing for my school) on math and an advanced in reading every year.</p>
<p>Did you take a practice test? If yes, are those scores similar? If you take a practice test and find that there is a significant difference, then it probably is worth your while to retake. I think the scores above are fine for Emma Willard, Miss Porters and Blair because they fall within the range of their accepted students (if boardingschoolreview is correct). I just don't know how they are for Hotchkiss and Choate. </p>
<p>You have a projected SAT score of 2049 which is something you can be proud of!</p>
<p>you guys are ■■■■■■■■!
don’t you read?
the SSAT scores are out of 2400… so something like 2049 is good… your percentile however is somewhat affected by everyone else’s scores from both the same year you took it and previous years so basic percentile calculations don’t apply. ALSO any question you get wrong is 0.25 reduced from everything you get right.
so… for example: 7 out of 10 with 2 wrong and one unanswered (and everything worth one mark) would be calculated as 6.5 out of 10 </p>
<p>Unfortunately i don’t know enough about sat’s
however ssat or sat prep books are extremely useful and i would suggest getting one or atleast confiding with an ssat or educational consultant. they’re damn helpful!</p>
<p>Actually last year I thought that the scaled score was the SAT projected score. While it’s true for very high scores, it isn’t for most. You need to look at the projected SAT range which is also part of you report. </p>
<p>Anyway, a 68% is still a great score and can get an applicant strong consideration at many schools.</p>
<p>i would retake it…applying to schools that are top tier with a 68% average is a little risky. it’s good that you did a test early on so that you have a chance to retake it! good luck!</p>