<p>does anyone have tips,I've been studying roots and such, but like any other tips on what I should do. Only a week away from testing......</p>
<p>Study many bucket loads of flashcards. You can also go to freerice.com, where you will learn words and raise rice for the poor. Have fun studying! lol</p>
<p>study roots, suffixes, and prefixes. ill give you a link and write all the words on notecards and study them:</p>
<p>[Root</a> Words, Prefixes, Suffixes](<a href=“http://www.betterendings.org/homeschool/Words/Root%20Words.htm]Root”>http://www.betterendings.org/homeschool/Words/Root%20Words.htm)</p>
<p>other than that get kaplan, petersons, mcgraw hill, and princeton. the best are princeton and kaplan though. they are at the library, if not, request them</p>
<p>The princeton book has really good word lists. And if writing flashcards gets to be too much a hassle (because they really ARE annoying to write) you can make virtual ones at quizlet.com (: I thought that was most helpful in my studying.</p>
<p>I would also make sure that you’re prepared on your analogies :S</p>
<p>how do you prepare yourself in analogies?</p>
<p>I just reviewed the techniques the Princeton book had (making a sentence out of the two terms), and did the daily practice question on the SSAT website, which usually was an analogy. I couldn’t find any good analogy help online, but all the practice in the Princeton book seemed enough, there’s about 3 pages of practice, and the practice test.</p>
<p>Princeton Review is the way to go. It gives you helpful math tips and it has an awesome ways to help you eliminate words. They also teach you how to get the anologies correct and an easy way to figure them out.</p>
<p>make loads of flashcards! (flip through the dictionary and if you find any words you don’t know make flashcards, it helped!) also, buy a few prep books (especially princeton review) and work on the vocab section a LOT… i got a 97% in the vocab doing that. oh, and don’t go over your flashcards the night before the test, it doesn’t help!</p>
<p>I agree with mickmouse301- [url=<a href=“http://www.freerice.com%5DFreeRice%5B/url”>http://www.freerice.com]FreeRice[/url</a>] is an easy way to study vocab (and, it does help to know that you’re donating to charity!)</p>
<p>Chances are if you spend maybe 20-30 minutes a day on it until the test, it’ll help you on at LEAST 1 or 2 of the problems you see on the SSAT, probably more. If free rice makes any impact whatsoever on your score then I think that it is worth the time.</p>