St. Louis Reception April 1st

<p>Was wondering if anyone is planning on attending…</p>

<p>We will be there.</p>

<p>We ended up signing up so we’ll be there too…will be our first reception…so far have only visited places : )</p>

<p>I think you will really like the experience. PM me if you have any questions. Hope to meet you at the reception.</p>

<p>Is there a link / URL for that reception? </p>

<p>If you have a chance, please go to these receptions. They are highly spirited events with great speakers, good food and usually a free t-shirt for the students.</p>

<p>South Central Illinois students (though they might be assigned to the UA Chicago recruiter’s area) are really much closer to St. Louis. Auburn - Chatham - Jacksonville - Franklin - Springfield and other towns in this area have kids accepted to attend UA in the fall of 2014, and I am sure many of them would be interested in attending a reception in STL. I am contacting the STL area recruiter and will report back when I know more. Any central IL parents … feel free to PM me. Thanks! </p>

<p>Hello. We are also in central Illinois. I contacted Amanda Sisk. She sent us an e-mail with the information for the St. Louis reception. I would be interested in speaking with parents of other central Illinois students considering Alabama. I think our son, a junior, would be much more likely to go if he were able to hear about other central Illinois students attending Alabama. Thanks!</p>

<p>My son’s RM (current sophomore) is from Normal. His mom is never on CC. There are kids in your area. Ask your recruiter for some names. </p>

<p>At least one from Champaign headed to UA in the fall with two more seriously considering it. </p>

<p>Hello, ilmomof2boys! I will PM you… We also heard back from Amanda with info on STL reception. If anyone wants details, please PM me or ilmom – provide your email address, and we can forward the information and invitation from Amanda. My son is a senior and will be making his final decisions around April 1st! Hoping we can make the reception … I have to check the track schedule. I would be interested in hearing from more central IL parents … feel free to PM me. Thanks!</p>

<p>Hello, Amy! Please do PM me. I just joined yesterday and don’t know how to PM (although I see that I have an inbox). It would be great if we could have our kids connect. My son also does track, but we don’t have a meet that day. Looking forward to hearing from you!</p>

<p>Okay, ilmom - check your inbox ;)</p>

<p>Not sure what I can and can’t do as a “junior” member as far as emailing folks…our DS is a senior. He’s visited, and will tell people he’s applied…but not nearly as excited about attending as we are ; ) I think it’s the thought of knowing no one…and the letting go of his top choices (because…of course…that’s where his friends are going) .</p>

<p>There will be current Alabama student/students from the St. Louis area there. Make sure your DS takes a second to talk to him/her about their University of Alabama experience and any concerns he might have. Many St. Louis students have made decisions similar to your son’s. I think the time will be well spent!</p>

<p>TchrWmn - I sent you a PM…see your Inbox…</p>

<p>We plan on attending!</p>

<p>Anyone else planning to attend?</p>

<p>We are also from Central Illinois ( near Champaign) and will be there tomorrow night. </p>

<p>Look forward to seeing everyone!</p>