Stalker at Work? Help!

<p>(Sorry, this is a little long.) So, I work at a grocery store as a cashier part time (Male). So there’s this customer who kind of creeps me out at work… the first time I saw him was about a two months ago, and he came through my line, and kept saying my name, “Why thank you <em>small pause, emphasis on J</em> Jeremy” and things like that. Well, when he left I just thought he was some weird guy, didn’t think much about it, because I see lots of weird people daily and never see them again… Well I was about to go work for a Xmas tree lot for the month of December and I did. So I didn’t see him for a good month (and I wasn’t aware this creeper was going to start stalking me.) </p>

<p>So after the tree lot, I came back to my cashiering job, and everything was going smooth. I was having a great time at work because my brother started working at the same place, and that made work more interesting. Well, one day, he came through my line again, and I gave him my customer talk “Hi, how’re you doing? How was your weekend?” etc… Then he said “Oh, it’s Jeremy! Did you miss me? I’m so glad I got my slice of Jeremy for the day” and things like that, and finally when he left, my bagger and I concluded that he was hitting on me. By then I was certain that this was the same guy I saw a month ago, and started to get suspicious. Well, the following week, I was giving someone a break on the self-scan checkout, and when I showed up to take over, he was in the middle of his order, back turned to me. I didn’t notice him until he turned around and it startled me and said “Hey Jeremy” in a seductive tone, and I quickly found some reason to walk to the other side of the self-scan register podium and kept my distance without really saying anything to him. He then began walking out of the store but right by the door, he stopped and just started watching me for a good minute. He finally left, and I was really alarmed by this, so I told my friend what had just happened and what he looks like. She didn’t really know what to do, and maybe she thought I was being sarcastic or something. So I just brushed it off my shoulder, and got back on a register.</p>

<p>Well, the next week, I was on my toes watching out for this guy, and I didn’t see him yet for the day. It was time for my break, so I started heading to the break room, nodding to recognize each customer in a polite way. Well one of them I nodded to, turned out to be him… I didn’t say anything to him, just walked faster to the break room to wash my hands. Well I headed outside to chat with a manager (about something else, not about this guy.) When talking with her, I saw him wheel his cart out to his truck, and start unloading it. I had a perfect view of him, and he noticed me talking to this manager, and he just started staring at me, as he was unloading his groceries. It’s as if he didn’t take his eyes off of me as he was unloading his groceries at all. After he was done unloading he started his truck, and pulled out. As he drove by me and this manager, he was just staring at me driving by ever so slowly. I shot him an evil glare (to see if he was still looking at me) and he definitely was. Once he passed me going slow, and was done staring at me, he just took off out of the parking lot, really fast. So I came in and told another friend, and she told me to talk to a manager. Well, I still haven’t yet cause my mind has been saying “well, maybe I’m just overreacting” etc… but as the weekend draws closer I’m starting to worry more and more about it… This guy only shops on weekends, and now I know what his truck looks like… When this guy is looking at me, his expression on his face, is like he’s targeting me for something… he doesn’t do this to any other employee, only me… so, does anyone have any suggestions of what I should do? I will tell the store manager next time I see him, but I’m not sure how much good that will do, since this guy hasn’t really done anything wrong. But this guy makes me extreamly uncomfortable, and has made me consider quiting the cashiering force (I will be moving soon anyway) Does anyone have a similar experience?</p>

<p>I haven’t encountered a situation nearly as bad as your’s yet. I am a cashier at a craft store. </p>

<p>I had a customer come in awhile back. I started conversation on the yarn he was buying and expressed interest in making crocheted animals. He actually does this plus some other little projects, so we talked briefly about that before he left.</p>

<p>The second time he came in he had a co-worker with him and actually went back outside to grab some pictures of the projects he had done, which were really good. I was a little excited to see a customer’s project so it might have sent off the wrong signs maybe? I’m not sure.</p>

<p>Third encounter, this was after V-day. He came to my register and was telling me how <em>someone</em> wanted to send a valentine’s day present to me, but didn’t know my schedule and then he made me guess it was him… of course ~_~ At this point I was a little creeped out, but not too bad.</p>

<p>Anyways, I just got back from a short vacation period at work and one of my co-workers asked me if my boyfriend had tried calling the store. I was a little confused by her question because I was with him. I asked her to elaborate and found out he had called asking for me personally…</p>

<p>I’m really not sure how to tell a customer that I’m not interested without it coming off as completely awkward and I’m just way too nice… I think it’s unfair for them to know our name and we got nothing lol… Isn’t that considered cheating?</p>

<p>Tell a manager. Done.</p>

<p>is he bigger than you? if not…tell him to back the **** off or you’ll call the cops.</p>

<p>He’s probably gay and hungry for some ass but if it was me i’d just tell him that you’re not interested and if he keeps it up i’d just beat him up.</p>

<p>I mean I have no problem with gay people but when they keep comin at you with that intention even though you’re not interested then all i can say is they asked for it.</p>

<p>Yeah I would tell him that he is really creeping me out and to give it a break. It would be best to say something when you’re not actually working though. </p>

<p>BlueKudzu, the word stalker should never be used when talking about that guy. He just sounds like a weird craft guy that’s hitting on you because you were nice to him. Shut him down and you’re good to go.</p>

<p>This customer maybe interested in you, but his only contact with you is when he is in the sotre, and he is not coming in more than normal. I would continue to be polite with this customer. If he should make an unwelcomed advance then you should be very firm and let him know that you are not interested. </p>

<p>At this point he has crossed the line. If you feel insecure then you should try to get someone to walk you to your car at night.</p>