Stamps Scholarship Finalists

Hello! I see a number of Stamps Semi-finalists threads discussing selection processes that are specific to the schools. I decided to open a new thread to talk about the finalist stage in the selection process.
It is my understanding that once the nominating school made its selection and forwarded the student’s application to the Foundation, the process becomes the same regardless of the college that nominated the student.
If you or your student went through this in previous years or going through this now, let’s talk! Please share your finalist interview experience with foundation (if you already had it).
My student became Stamps Finalist and is currently waiting to hear from the Foundation regarding the interview with them. There is no timeframe when Stamps Foundation should reach out… When does this normally happen and how competitive is it at the finalist stage (I know that semi-finalist stage is very competitive)?

Wondering same. Anyone?

I came across several Stamps topics most of which were discussing semi-finalist stage related to a specific college. They were pretty active last year but are now closed. I created this thread in hopes of continuing the discussion - especially for those who were past the semi-finalist stage. But as you can see there is not much activity here. Is your student awaiting the interview or the decision?

My student just received an email about their nomination from the college. So very early in the process. However, I don’t know what that process is?! My kiddo was offered a full COA scholarship as part of a small cohort from the school already so I’m unsure I understand the nomination and how the Stamps program differs from what was already offered. Additionally, I recall mention that other colleges were already full force into the process. Maybe it was GT? But then again I’m obviously a bit clueless about Stamps and the process!

You mean he was interviewed by his college (as semi-finalist) and was forwarded to Foundation (became finalist)?
I think all colleges are on a different timeline.