Stanford 2014 SCEAers

<p>I’ve been reading this thread since the beginning and i figured since were only 6 days away from d-day i would finally comment. First off I hope everyone (including myself) makes it in. I would love to go to college with each of you. You all seem pretty down to earth and laid back…much different from what I’m used to in NE (for the most part). </p>

<p>Regardless the result on tuesday or friday I’m sure it will be for the best and please nobody get bitter…that would completley ruin the vibe of this thread!</p>

<p>Wicked excited for my Stanford anxiety syndrome/ Stanford bipolar disorder to be gone!</p>

<p>btw congrats to applicannot (sp?)</p>

<p>I too have never heard of Boys or Girls State. But I’m from California. CA has so many people and so little money that no one ever has any idea what’s going on.</p>

<p>Welcome Sox123! Glad to have you here.</p>

<p>I give everyone one guess as to what city Sox123 lives in. Go!</p>

<p>yeah by saying Christian morals and Christian this and that, it’s almost like they are inferring that other religions don’t really have morals. I mean no offense but as a Hindu I think murder is wrong (just like most Christians), I think waiting till marriage before having sex is a good idea and should be encouraged (just like most Christians), but if people don’t want to do that it’s up to them, and I believe we all have to work together as a community to get things done and progress, So those morals aren’t just “Christian” morals or even religious morals these days, since I know some atheists who agree with those principles.</p>

<p>I know I’m a little late on this one, but outrageous Stanford themed clothes:</p>

<p>[Ugly</a> Christmas Sweater Party Red Cardigan Mens SZ XL - eBay (item 180440643816 end time Dec-09-09 16:23:43 PST)](<a href=“]Ugly”></p>

<p>Although its a Christmas sweater, I think would also show enough Stanford Pride/ make me very recognizable because I’d be wearing a sweater in 60/70 degree weather. More importantly, who else is REALLY excited for Christmas? And if you aren’t, then:
a) there may or may not be something wrong with you
b) you should watch this video:
[YouTube</a> - elf - two great clips](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>merry christmas everyone!!!</p>

<p>also, happy holidays everyone else!!!</p>

<p>@IPad, Ya i wish the same thing. There are good people in every culture and religion and some people just don’t believe that :(</p>

<p>Wait Landon went as a rep? Wow I feel stupid now…</p>

<p>sox123 from boston?</p>

<p>haha good guess…what gave it away?</p>

<p>I think wangatang got it right. Sorry Sox. I just randomly felt like doing that. I felt like I had enough hints to base it on.</p>

<p>Haha sox, are you a football fan too? I’m actually from Connecticut but live in Missouri now. If you are, what do you think of the pats this year?</p>

<p>SOX! I am from Nebraska too! Be my friend! Now.</p>

<p>Omaha, Lincoln, Stella, Red Cloud, Louisville, Nebraska City, WHERE?</p>

<p>Kind of unrelated but: I just finished watching Orange County and it was great!</p>

<p>Thanks for the recommendation, whoever mentioned it. ;)</p>



<p>100% agreed.
Religious intolerance is one of the things that bothers me most in the community and school I attend. People just don’t believe that atheists can have morals, or any logic justifying them, without some supernatural purpose to back them. It drives me bonkers.
It’s ironic, too. As I’ve mentioned before, I go to a private Christian school; but, even in the many years I was atheist, people still held me up as a prime example of Christian values–because they didn’t know I wasn’t actually Christian. Sigh.
I come from a family line of agnostics and atheists, and the majority of my friends (outside school) are nonreligious entirely. They’re just as moral as (if not more than) my teachers and classmates.</p>

<p>Bigotry and ignorance in any context suck. Nothing I can’t stand more.</p>

<p>On a more lighthearted note, <3 Diivio, thanks (several pages later, go me). You cool, bro. You cool.</p>

<p>I stand pretty alone w/the Athiest thing here but people are actually pretty accepting of it, its more a curious oddity then an undesirable ideology</p>

<p>Yeah Prussia’s a perfect example of what IP and I was trying to say lol. You don’t have to be Christian to be a person with values. You go Prussia.</p>

<p>Actually Nitro I don’t think you aren’t the only Atheist at our school. I know quite a few actually. Desiree is one of them, and I know a couple juinors who are too, but most of our school are super conservative Christians though.</p>

<p>@ Nitro Haha thats cool, I’m more of an agnostic myself, I’ve never ever been fully able to let go of the idea of god, although I find myself becoming more and more atheist as I grow older.</p>

<p>My parents are pretty serious Hindus though.</p>

<p>Lol is there a name for a person that feels none of the religions are 100% right but you think there’s a creator (that’s not a person more like an origin) and it used the Big Bang to start the universe and evolution for the spreading and improving of life? I think I might be one of them then.</p>

<p>Haha I agree with one of the earlier posts. Although it’s difficult to judge people over cyberspace, you all seem like decent, down to earth people worthy of a fantastic education and I sincerely hope that you get in. I’ll be applying RD (international student from Italy), and hopefully if things go well I’ll be seeing you next year!</p>