<p>@wangatang- I got it when I was there two summers ago for EPGY. I lucked out: they only had two left and they were both in my size! Not sure if they still sell them, though.</p>
<p>Eh, religion, sports, same thing.</p>
<p>Haha I’m not really into sports at all, so no need to apologize bashing the dolphins here. Or the gators. Or whatever silly watery animals Florida has picked for team mascots. (Manatees?!)
I can see myself getting excited for Stanford sports, though. Because its Stanford. Stanford!</p>
<p>I have seen the Stanford sweater vest, and been amazed. It is fab.</p>
<p>i wonder if i’ll get a hit on that sweater vest if i check it out on ebay…</p>
<p>i’m so stoked for stanford sports (provided that i make it in…) i mean is there any sport stanford isnt good at???</p>
<p>Colts game = worst play call in history </p>
<p>between oakland and 49ers i dont know what i would do if i lived in no cal. I wouldnt have any other option but to root for chargers. </p>
<p>is there anyone from NE on this thread?</p>
<p>lol that sweater vest might look cool, but not as cool as Nitro in his Stanford short shorts and me in those ladies briefs (if anyone reading this is confused reads the posts that were a couple pages earlier) during admit weekend lol (assuming we get accepted of course).</p>
<p>Same here about sports. I might have some martial arts lessons though XD
GO SMAP! :-P</p>
<p>deists are people who believe that there was an intelligent being that created the earth, but then left it alone afterwards to do its own thang like evolution and stuff.
I think. I’m pretty sure that’s right?</p>
<p>ditto for Stanford sports. too bad they dont have a real lax team.</p>
<p>No need to hit ebay, it’s right in the Stanford store:
[College</a> Apparel, College Merchandise, School Spirit Merchandise : <a href=“http://www.stanford.bkstr.com%5B/url%5D”>www.stanford.bkstr.com](<a href=“Official Online Store”>Official Online Store)</a></p>
<p>So much cool stuff in the Stanford bookshop.</p>
<p>Here’s the other Stanford store:
[Stanford</a> Home Page](<a href=“http://store.stanford.edu/storefront/home.aspx]Stanford”>http://store.stanford.edu/storefront/home.aspx)</p>
<p>Thanks for the link Prussia!</p>
<p>Sure Diivio</p>
<p>Deism is basically the religious/philosophical belief that God created the universe (The Grand Architect), and gave the universe a set of natural laws to operate on. </p>
<p>Basically, it’s saying that God created this universe, but doesn’t interfere with it in any way; God plays no part in what goes on in the universe. The universe operates according to natural laws that can be proven with science. So Deists reject the notion of miracles, divine intervention, etc.</p>
<p>Deists believe that God does exist, but let’s the universe run its own course; whatever happens to mankind is from their own doing. But Deists still believe in morals and praying and goodwill because they believe God is in charge of spiritual matters (Afterlife, etc.) not worldy ones.</p>
<p>lol jony gave the condensed version, but here’s my version anyway</p>
<p>Not gonna lie Diivio, you would def get all the ladies with those haha</p>
<p>and ebay turns up nothing for stanford sweater vests… guess everyone wants to keep theirs :(</p>
<p>I’m from NE sox. my dad went to university of connecticut. you guys gettin snow yet?</p>
<p>History teacher sophmore year compared deism to a clock maker… god/some force set the gears in motion and then let it run</p>
<p>well then Deism makes sense then, but then according to this belief I guess all those “miracle” survivals that go against what we currently know in science would just be attributed to coincidence or not having a complete explanation of the event. Thanks for defining it.</p>
<p>yeah we got a few inches last week and we almost had a snow day today but there hasnt been anything too substantial yet. The worst is usually around jan-early march.</p>
<p>I also happen to be a hypocrite, supporting Deism but praying every night for admission lol</p>
<p>Still, you can never be too careful, right?</p>
<p>I’m gonna do Tae Kwon Do and break boards on peoples faces. We have had two snow days here in Omaha, and we are having a third one tomorrow. As I would say, I might vomit a rainbow.</p>
<p>check this oouuttttt –> [YouTube</a> - theU.com - Stanford: “The Setting”](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqM083khomE]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqM083khomE)
makes me drool…</p>
<p>They gave us a B- for food.</p>
<p>I am concerned.</p>
<p>lol yeah I pray too…never be too careful lol yeah I don’t see any harm in it. Technically I am a Hindu and for the most part I like my religion.</p>