<p>Hahaha well, not everything can get an A+, after all…</p>
<p>@ Rolandic, there’s nothing wrong with positive thinking :)</p>
<p>But yeah Deism sounds kinda like what I believe in. But as someone who was raised Hindu, even though I don’t really subscribe to the religion, I still don’t eat beef. Weird huh?</p>
<p>Yeah I so theU.com’s entire thing on Stanford. It made me want to go there more…OH well if I don’t get in this time I’ll try going there for my Masters or PhD or MD, whatever I decided to do after my undergrad.</p>
<p>So does anybody else here listen to Girl Talk?</p>
<p>A B minus for food. Uh oh I think we have a problem. Food’s important to me. and yeah I don’t eat beef either.</p>
<p>wait is Jony a girl? OMG I kept thinking of that name as Johnny…</p>
<p>A B minus is pretty solid I think. Most people just get bored of the food there. Any colleges get an A for this? Maybe I should be applying there lol.</p>
<p>whats Girl Talk?</p>
<p>IPadriac: i dont know why but i love the phrase “vomit a rainbow”
one of my friends says it all the time and i find it hilarious</p>
<p>hmm… I don’t actually mind too much about the food, a lot of other schools have their food ratings in the Bs as well. There are still a bunch of places to eat outside the campus, and I’m pretty sure the meals are definitely edible.</p>
<p>The only school that has an A/A+ in food that I’ve seen is Dartmouth, which is kind of a given seeing as it’s in the middle of nowhere, and students have nowhere else to eat.</p>
<p>The food is fine. At least the food at the dining hall I ate at for EPGY was fine.</p>
<p>when I visited UCLA, they told me that they won the award for best campus food in the US… i dont know who gives out that award lol</p>
<p>I second sg12’s claim, I was at EPGY this year and flomo food was decent/good</p>
<p>i thought virginia tech and penn state had best campus food</p>
<p>whered u guys eat at EPGY this year?
last year we ate at wilbur</p>
<p>Nitro, I was at flomo too! Good times, good times.</p>
<p>And by the way, Diivio’s bringing back the bad gender-guessing (jony678).</p>
<p>sorry for being so blur but what exactly is EPGY?</p>
<p>education program for gifted youth</p>
<p>a summer program stanford hosts</p>
<p>it’s not really the most academic intensive or selective (although bioscience and engineering are quite selective apparently) but we (or i personally) did gain a lot from the classes
but its an awesome way to be introduced to stanford</p>
<p>@ NJDS, thanks!</p>
<p>Anyway, those of you from the east, is weather a main part of why you applied to Stanford EA?</p>
<p>I wanted to do that badly, but I couldn’t miss so many weeks of Football conditioning. Especially for my Senior year.</p>