<p>Its not the main reason but its definitely an incentive. sunny and mildly warm beats 10 degrees (f) and snowy any day.</p>
<p>We just had our senior pictures today outside for an hour in 28 degree weather (in Kelvins); California sunshine is DEFINITELY a reason I want to go :)</p>
<p>Haha, yeah I guessed as much. </p>
<p>You guys, if our original prediction was going to come true (which its not), we’d have a little less than two days left. Scary.</p>
<p>God, that would be so great/terrible! I want to know so badly, I think not knowing is distracting me more from finals than knowing would…</p>
<p>I’m still holding out for friday</p>
<p>i think its def on tuesday</p>
<p>I got an EPGY invite too during the Spring but I was going to Malaysia in the summer so I couldn’t go, and it was pretty expensive too I think, wasn’t it around $1000 to $2000?</p>
<p>I didn’t go to EPGY because of the cost too, but I wish I had. Do any of you know if being in that program helps your admission chances?</p>
<p>lol i was working 40 hours a week the entire summer >.< i wish i could have gone … .</p>
<p>28 Kelvins?!?!?! that’s insane that’s -245 degrees Celcius. That was sarcasm right? Yeah I hate cold weather and if don’t get into Stanford but into HYPM or J Hops, then I’m defintely going to be indoors during the winter.</p>
<p>The program itself doesn’t increase your chances. But in the sense that it’s something productive to do over the summer, it does. But any other program like that would have the same effect.</p>
<p>Or at least that’s what they say.</p>
<p>yeah I was just joking :D; still, it definitely felt like that >_></p>
<p>Oh, and I’m hoping for a Friday release date. Too much stuff going on on Tuesday. And this way, I have the weekend to celebrate/cry.</p>
<p>Yeah Anon I agree, Tuesday’s going to be busy day for me too…oh well C’est la vie.</p>
<p>why can’t stanford release tomorrow/friday like everybody else…sigh. yeah this will be the longest weekend ever [for once, a bad thing.]</p>
<p>Aww darn I missed diivio’s bad gender guessing again. ahah…
bad news
no song for you [if you even remember xD]. I’m sick and my throat hurts like heck T_______T unless I miraculously get better over night. Which I highly doubt.
Socal has been unusually cold this week.</p>
<p>I wish it would come tomorrow or friday too…that way I would already be feeling miserable or it would brighten up my spirits and heal me xD</p>
<p>@Sox from like 5 pages ago</p>
<p>You’re right. It’s horrible to be a Bay Area sports fan. But the thing is, I’m not even a 49er fan. I’m a Raider fan. It’s much worse (and I hate the Pats with all my soul because of the tuck rule. Sorry.). The Giants suck. The Warriors suck. The Raiders suck. The San Jose Sharks are the only team that’s good.</p>
<p>EPGY is something like 5000
i know the year i went my program was $5600 but i got a full scholarship. i could never have afforded to go otherwise</p>
<p>sfg…sorry that you’re surrounded by those teams x]</p>