Has anyone applying RD gotten an interview email yet? I’ve had alumni reach out to me from other RD schools that I applied to far after Stanford (I submitted my application w/ an artistic supplement for the December 1st deadline), but I haven’t gotten anything from Stanford so far. Do you guys know when they usually start reaching out for interviews for RD or if they have started reaching out already? Thanks!
RD won’t start interviewing until February. Hold your horses! Staff are only getting back to work Jan 7 after Winter break. I’m an interviewer and have not gotten the email about watching for interview assignments.
Thank you!
Hmm perhaps different regional alumni chapters do it differently, but mine started interviewing 1/10/19. I recently sent out my first invite for this season to an applicant.
For anyone expecting an interview invite, I recommend checking your email (including spam folder) for an @alumni.stanford.edu email at least daily through 2/19/19, if you don’t already. Especially for interviewers with schedule constraints who volunteer to accept multiple interviewees per season, we always appreciate students who respond within 24hr so we know if and when to pencil you into our calendar.
Depends on how fast your regional coordinator is. I have not received any assignments yet, and I"m slated to interview for a large city as well as a pretty vast rural area.
But yes. Check your email often and answer promptly. We’re all volunteers and our time is valuable. Don’t agonize over the interview. It’s a fun enjoyable experience - it won’t make or break your application.
My son was contacted for his interview today in the NY/NJ area.
I was emailed today with an interview invite and I live just outside the Bay Area.
my child already had his RD Stanford interview this past week.
Does every applicant get an interview request? Does it mean something if you do or dont get an interview?
@lastkiddad It’s based on alumni availability in the area, so don’t worry if you don’t get an interview. I didn’t interview and was still accepted!
My son received an email invitation to interview today.
My son didn’t get an interview email yet, but his classmate did a week ago. Should he worry about this or is it still early?
DS received interview email last night, scheduled for early Feb here in south TX.
I thought Stanford doesn’t interview in CA?
New as of last year. Initially we rolled it out in a few CA counties, now this year with additional CA counties, with plans to have alumni interviews available in as many areas as possible for as many applicants as possible.
I got an email for interview around last Thursday (24 January). I’m an international applicant though
D received email today from alumni regarding setting up an interview. We live in the DC/Maryland/Virginia area.