Stanford Class of 2025 Regular Decision

I have the same as you. I don’t think it gets that specific with the indicators. Either you have one or two addresses listed depending on how you filled out your app, and those will either be both gone or both visible if Stanford’s portal updates the same way as it did for REA

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Wait can so someone summarize what exactly this was?

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Don’t take my word for this but, students who applied during the REA found that:

"if you see these things on your applicant portal, the decision could be true:

no address, no update app button = rejected
no address, yes update app button = deferred
yes address, no update app button = accepted

It so happened that this myth was true. It may be true for us and it may not be, we just have to wait and see. Also, it’s probably most reliable a few hours before the decisions come out.

But take this info with a pinch of salt. Don’t let your spirits go down because of a speculation and don’t celebrate too soon. As fun as these astrologies are, the actual letter will be the final decision and the true indication of whether you got in or not.


Thank you! I seem to have a combination that you didn’t list - I guess only time will tell

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How about yes address and yes update button?

My D, RD applicant has 2 addresses (both same) and edit addresses to click on her portal. It’s becoming like a maze. It’s like Berkeley discussion all over again. LOL.

I have that too, but like I said, legend says it usually changes a few hours before decisions come out.

I had both my address and update button and was deferred. There wasn’t anyone without the address and with the update button.

Exactly as predicted. If your update button was missing you would have been accepted

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This probably sounds dumb but will AOs read newly submitted supplementary materials at this point? I just got an official letter of appreciation from a national commission for my research paper and presentation. It’s supposed to be huge as almost all the recipients are university students. I hope it wasn’t pointless :(((

Save it for when you’re waitlisted. AOs have basically finalised decisions.

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It will be released April 7 at 4 p.m. pdt (



so, it will come a day after the ivys - tic toc

You are an international student if you are a Canadian national. If you are an American citizen living in Canada, then you are not an international student.

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No, Canada is the 51st State of the U.S., so you are not an international student

do y’all think international students will be at a disadvantage ?

International applicants are always at a disadvantage.


Thanks I’ll just go cry in the corner for 5 hours now :slight_smile:


No no, instead smile in celebration that you even tried x