Stanford Class of 2025 Regular Decision


i’m actually thinking of printing out all of my rejection letters and look back onto this time in like 30 years lol

thank you so much!!

Lol I can relate to that

maybe usc??

Even I got into Wisconsin Madison!! Its such a great school but so underrated. I hope you get off the waitlist for Georgia tech tho lol

I got a fee waiver so its ayt

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I applied to all other ivies and got rejected though haha. not even a single waitlist. I think the whole process is just luck

sameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…I wanna get it framed

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Still, Cornell is a great school! You’ll do well there I’m sure.

shoot I had two addresses earlier today but now I only have one address on my portal

oh yeah I’m definitely so grateful!


did anyone here get into nyu?? i think thats where im going if i get rejected from stanford

where is the important info

what do you mean by important info? is that like the checklist and address and stuff or?

if not stanford ill prob go to mit

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Are you sure they’re not just updating it region wise?

Got WL at H last night. I’ll end up at BU honors college if rejected from S.

this means m rejected lol