Stanford Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Any deferred applicants w/ Update + No Withdraw?? (Also deferred applicants don’t have important info). I don’t have withdraw.

Also, accepted to Yale yesterday.


Omg congrats!!

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so means a WL for me.
I’ll cry in tears of happiness if I even get a WL

I think we reject gang

no important info and no withdraw, just update and address.

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Could somebody post a picture of the “important information” thing?

my withdraw is gone, but I have update + address

Ooh really?! That’s interesting

I think ppl are reaching too hard. I’ve seen at least 4 different combinations and people just omitting the others. We’ll all be fine I’m sure y’all got into some great schools.

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Post a screenshot

Guys!! My withdraw button disappeared just now

My withdraw button just disappeared but I also don’t have any important info at top so I don’t think any of this means anything. They’re probably just changing stuff around.

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my withdraw just disappeared just as I refreshed

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I’ve read mixed reviews, but think it’s probably more about what you make of it. One thing I’ve heard from a friend there is that honors students typically get requests granted. Besides, a/c dorms in Boston is a rare luxury.

Wait guys I don’t think it means anything. I just reloaded my portal and my withdraw button disappeared. It could just be that they’re slowly updating portals??


I still have withdraw huhhh

Mine is still there

my withdraw button is still there