Stanford Early Action?

<p>I'm planning on applying single-choice early action to Stanford. do you guys think its too much of a reach? what about UChicago's early action?</p>

<p>I'm also thinking of Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, UC Berkeley, and UCLA. Of course, I have a whole bunch of safeties lined up.</p>

<p>Do you guys know of any other colleges that might suit me?</p>

<p>And should I add one more AP to my courseload? AP Bio?</p>

<p>I know I don't have much time before sending in applications but what can I do to improve my record?</p>

<p>PSAT 232/240
SAT I 2300/2400 CR 800/Writing 770/Math 730
SAT II U.S. History 800
SAT II English 800
SAT II Math IIC 780
Cum GPA: 4.317
All As except B in first semester of AP Chem</p>

<p>AP Stats 3
AP Chem 4
AP Eng Lang 5
AP US History 5
AP Calc AB 5
AP Physics B 3
Planning on Taking
AP US Gov/Econ
AP Eng Lit
AP Calc BC</p>

<p>Model United Nations: Secretary
Amnesty International: Prez
UNICEF High School: Prez
Habitat for Humanity: Secretary
Science Olympiad: Tutor, Coaches' Assistant
National Honor Society: Member
Youth Center: Volunteer, President's Award, Youth of the Year
Keystone Club: President
Local Boys and Girls Club of America Newsletter: Editor
Senior Student Council (possibly)
Science Symposium: no officers, just members
Internship with local newspaper
Mythology Club: Vice President</p>

<p>National Merit Commendation/Semifinalist
AP Scholar with Distinction
2 local writing contests: first place
Several Science Olympiad medals</p>

<p>Produce Ads for the Youth Center
Studying AP Microeconomics on own
Proficient: Japanese Tea Ceremony
Proficient: Martial Arts</p>

<p>I would REALLY appreciate if you responded!! Thanks~</p>

<p>your stats are good enough that stanford is worth a shot, but not good enough that admission is guaranteed. stanford's pretty tough.</p>

<p>If I recall you can't do EA to Chicago if you do SCEA @ Stanford. But you might want to check that. You are a likely admit at Chicago EA, but they place heavy emphasis on personal qualities so you can't really tell by looking at stats.</p>

<p>you would get much more early benefit at Princeton or Dartmouth, but only do ED/EA if it's your 1st choice. and if that's stanford, def. do early there.</p>

<p>The best thing you can do is to turn your list of activities into a specific interest and passion. You seem to be a writer. If that's what you care most about, demonstrate that in your essays/activity list.</p>

<p>thanks for the input stambliark41. but i have a question (sorry, im completely new at this) why would I get more benefit at Princeton/Dartmouth than Stanford?</p>

<p>oh come on 80 views and 1 post? i would really like some feed back! please...! with a cherry on top?</p>

<p>u have a nice shot at anything under stanford. i mean like close to 100%. hows that a cherry from joe</p>

<p>naw, I dont think that you have a chance. Your stats are very limited and just based on how you presented yourself on this discussion board, Stanford should spit on your application... well... I was just kidding. YOU ARE IN FOR SURE!</p>

<p>You have the stats other than ECs. Give it a try.</p>

<p>Thanks. ECs...yeah, that's what everyone tells me. What's the deal w/the ECs? Do they have to be incredibly unique?</p>

<p>No one is going to be able to tell you your chances because at this level, it's all very random. There's a poster on CC who was flat-out rejected EA by Stanford, but accepted RD into Harvard and Yale (and perhaps Princeton, I can't remember). Point is, you have a decent shot with your stats, but Stanford also rejects plenty of people with equal and better numbers. Strong EC's, essays, letters of recommendation play a big role...and even then, you still have to hope that you strike the adcom's fancy.<br>
Your EC's look pretty standard to me, it's what you did in those clubs that matters. For instance, in your resume, don't just say that you were president of UNICEF, blah blah. List what you actually did (organize charity drives, etc). It looks like you're very involved in volunteer activities, let that be your <em>angle</em>, so to speak. </p>

<p>Hope that helps and good luck.</p>

<p>Edit: btw, don't take another AP class. At this point it really won't make a difference, and it's a pain in the neck to have a difficult course load your senior year when you're applying. Trust me.</p>

<p>thanks for your good advice, asterstar</p>