I have a feeling that they’ll be out today at 5 pm.
@Waitlisted113683 feeling based on?
The fact that the transfer decisions were out yesterday and that they’ve not delayed it beyond the second Thursday of May. Sorta pointless now that I’m 100% I’m not getting in after finding out that Stan had a near 100% yield from my country. Good Luck to you guys!
@Waitlisted113683 ahh fairs, where did you find out the yield from your country? Which country? Cheers
There’s an FB group for applicants from my country; it’s in Asia. That’s all I’m willing to share.
@Waitlisted113683 alright then, enjoy your Facebook group buddy
So apparently Princeton, Yale, MIT, and Harvard had record high yields. Foreshadowing for things to come or good news for us?
@Cryb3by how do you know about the yield rates of Harvard Princeton Yale MIT?
@CIRCUITDEBATER MIT and Princeton waitlist decisions have been released; they each admitted 0 off waitlist. Harvard and Yale is rumours afaik
@Cryb3by I’d like to this this is really good news. I’m sure a significant amount of HYPM admits were also admitted to Stanford, which would naturally lower Stanford’s yield.
did anybody receive anything today?
@collegebubbs Nope
Me neither
FOHO reported that Stanford’s yield rate for the class of 2022 is between 84 and 85%.
@ganbatte I saw that as well… how trustworthy is FOHO?
Here is the link to the FOHO post: https://mailchi.mp/fountainhopper/foho-61-kairos-staff-fired-lapin-resigns-sorority-rush-drama-more-news-you-can-use?e=e4cf8817c1
You have to go down but there’s a section on yield.
Well… if it’s true then no waitlist for us
@Cryb3by Yeah… I’m hoping they let us know soon, hopefully tomorrow.
@LaMaisonDesLunes I just want this to be over with so I can move onnnnn
@Cryb3by my thoughts exactly!