Stanford's gay community

<p>Is it big? Small? Are they well accepted by the heterosexual community?</p>

<p>this is something i too would like to know</p>

<p>I also would like to know lol. Also is there a good dating/hooking up scene among the gays on campus (relative to the dating/hooking up of the heterosexual community)?</p>

<p>bump as well. :D</p>

<p>apparently no one knows…</p>

<p>Hum, I’m not LGBT, so maybe I am not the best to answer, but since no one else is…
I would say that the gay community is fairly large. If you read the full moon on the quad thread it talks about how there is a whole corner of the quad dedicated to LGBT. At least 4 people in my dorm are openly gay and gay rights are very prominent especially with the passage of prop 8 (banning gay marriage). This community is very well excepted by the heterosexual community in my opinion. I can’t comment on the dating/hookup scene. Sorry :)</p>

<p>lol bump. I felt like this was a good thread, but it got buried way before it’s time, so I’m reviving it! =D</p>

<p>the best way is to come to campus and experience it.
in my opinion there is definitely no better place for lgbt in the world than stanford – really, not only is it a liberal college of 18-22 year olds, it’s the san francisco bay area. it’s unbelievable how accepting we are of gays. of course, the only way to tell for sure is just to come and experience it…go to some of the events, talk with lgbt, etc. not being lgbt, i don’t really know about the dating/hookup scene, though dating at stanford is pretty sparse anyway and my gay friends seem to have plenty of sex…
as for integration with the heterosexual community, there is not any distinction between the two communities most of the time, except at lgbt parties, etc. most people at stanford don’t even think about sexual orientation when they pick their friends. go to any of the anti prop-8 rallies and you’ll see this to the max; stanford went crazy when it was passed.</p>