Stars in the sky above Cornell

<p>Okay~ this is a weird question but approximately how many stars can you see in the dark, clear sky above Cornell, or can you even count them XD?</p>

<p> can see the stars.</p>

<p>My friends and I would like on the slope on warm nights and do some star beat doing homework :-)</p>

<p>The light pollution from the Slope isn't too bad. On a clear night, at least 200. Sometimes you can even see the Milky Way. It gets even better by Beebe Lake.</p>

<p>Depending on your definition of "campus", if you go out to the Vet School, it gets much better, to say nothing of the Cornell Orchards.</p>

<p>The views to the south and east from the Fuertes Observatory on North Campus are also generally pretty good.</p>

<p>I was actually wondering this myself. One of the minor reasons I actually applied to Cornell. I wanted to get away from all the light and chemical pollution in Long Island/from NYC.</p>

<p>And Cornell has the Fuertes observatory which we can use on Fridays. So that's something I'm going to try once I get there.</p>

<p>Saw Saturn using the Fuertes telescope.</p>

<p>Last summer, a few friends and me brought blankets and lied in front of the observatory lawn on north campus during the summer. The stars were REALLY clear. Ah...the memories...</p>

<p>In late August/early September, or if you spend the summer at Cornell, it's fun just to take a sleeping bag and sleep out on the Arts Quad under the stars. I did it a couple of times. We only got woken up be a maintenance person once, and when we showed them their CU IDs, we were fine.</p>

<p>Coincidentally, you also get to sleep out under the stars on the Arts Quad on the first night of all WR trips.</p>

<p>Don't the bugs bite? I would love to try sleeping out if the bugs are more on the docile side :)</p>

<p>A couple of nights last summer, I'd lie in the middle of Schoellkopf just to look at the stars, or take a late jog around the track. I fell asleep once by accident too, and was also awakened by a maintenance person..haha. Scared the **** out of me</p>

<p>i dont know where a good place to look is, cornell is so bright at night. but i can still see like like 20 stars at night.</p>

<p>Also, you can go to Buttermilk Falls or the other waterfall / gorge areas just outside of town. We used to sleep out in just sleeping bags and the stars were quite pleasant. They were no Australian Outback (oh my - the Australian sky was just a sea of white specks, the entire Milky Way, and numerous spinning galaxies), but for being so close to the Northeast corridor one could do a lot worse.</p>