Starting ECs in junior year = OK?

<p>I want to join CSF and the Youth Action Team (YAT) in my Junior year because I really want to. Well, why didn't I start earlier? Well, I moved to the US for Sophomore year and didn't join any clubs. Now I'm finishing my soph yr and wish to join those 2 clubs in my junior year. Now, the thing is, I'm worried that maybe colleges will see that I joined those 2 groups for the sake to fill up something in the apps... What should I do?
(PS I do have 2 other activities I do, but not anything related to school ECs Yet, I consider one of the 2 as my passionate EC. Anyways, Im not joining CSF and YAT just to show Im involved in school activities. I really wish to join them. )</p>

<p>ok? ya.. hehe,,
you shouldn't worry because
you couldn't have done much better.</p>

<p>well, I am moving to U.S after this year and I'm a sophomore now.
It's going to be a big change and im guessing that my ECs are going to change alot.. or i will have more. but what can i do..?
im sure you will be fine
so don't worry :)</p>