State AP Scholar in NC

<p>Will 17-18 passed AP exams with 3.5 average on exams get me the State AP Scholar award in NC?</p>

<p>Any ideas?</p>

<p>Honestly, I doubt it. The number is high enough to put you in the running, but the average seem quite low for a State AP Scholar.</p>

<p>It is North Carolina, I suppose, and I'm looking at chances from a perspective of a person who went to high school in California, but regardless 3.5 seems rather low.</p>

<p>I wouldn't bank on it.</p>

<p>You'll probably get an AP Scholar with Distinction though, and possibly (less likely though, due to the low average) a National AP Scholar. Slightly ironic, actually, that it is generally easier to get National AP Scholar than State, but so it is.</p>

<p>No National AP scholar - need a 4 average for that. No state, either. People get higher averages on more tests than that.</p>

<p>How does one exactly take 17-18 AP exams in the first place...jeez.</p>

<p>Good question, enderkin. I've seen people who take, like, 25. WOW :o</p>

<p>I have all except Music Theory, Studio Art, and languages. The number of exams comes first, then average in deciding the State AP Scholar. If I have 18 and a 3.5 average, and another has 17 and a 5.0 average, I still get it.</p>

Lebedev is correct, as long as you pass your exams and have over 3.5 avg, the average does not matter unless you tie in the number of exams you've taken. I still doubt you'll get State AP Scholar. I bet some people have taken over 18 as ridiculous as that number is and if it ends up being a tie, chances are the person has a higher average than you. Just pray that you took more exams than everyone else. Though're a frickin beast!</p>

<p>you scare me</p>