State School

<p>so…im having a really hard time choosing,
ive already been accepted to San Jose State for Electrical Engineering
and I have applied to UCM and UCSC for the same
what would you guys rather go to
a state school that is well known for it enbgineering
or a uc thats not for the uc education??</p>

<p>If you are going to pursue only up to a Bachelor's, then it doesn't really matter where you go. In that case, you need to look at which college is do-able for you (cost, location, etc.).</p>

<p>If not, I would go to UCSC.</p>

<p>Ofcourse, you can always go to San Jose State first, and then go to a UC (or any other graduate college like CalTech or Stanford) to get the graduate degree.</p>

<p>I don't know anything about San Jose, but I saw the engineering college at UCSC and even though I wasn't going into that program, a friend was (game design) and I went with him to a day-long presentation. The professors and the courses (not to mention the new buildings!) are awesome. If I had more of a math ability, I might have actually changed my major!</p>

<p>I don't have an answer as to Merced, though. I visited the campus, and liked the smallness of it and the teacher/student ratio. I think you'd get a great education there and I suspect it will be an outstanding and prestigious campus in due course.</p>

<p>thanks for the quick replys
i am not sure if i want to go to grad school or not, but there is a good possibility that i might
will going to a state school affect grad school admissions alot??
will it affect the chance of getting a good job after college?(if I dont go to grad)</p>

<p>any other comments???</p>

<p>It really kind of depends on how much the name matters to you. If prestige of the school is very important, I would go with UCSC. The UC system is incredibly well known for excellence in science, and more people would probably recognize a UC than a CSU. That being said, if you plan on going on to grad school, I don't think it really matters, as long as you do do very well at your undergrad--where you go isn't as important in grad school admissions as how well you did. As for getting a job, if you are passionate and engaged with what you do, that will show to employers and you will get a job. I don't think the school would greatly influence your chances of getting hired. Just my opinion, though. Go to the place that you like the most and feel comfortable at. If you're happy there, it'll make four years a lot more bearable.</p>

<p>Swifty has really good advice. My cousin went to U of Arizona as an undergrad and for her masters. She did a lot of partying, and was still able to maintain a pretty good GPA and is now at Stanford getting a PhD with a free ride. It all depends on the program, she says.</p>

<p>thanks guys that info really help</p>

<p>sorry for taking your thread but i also applied to sjsu and my status says self report admitted or something like that. is that what you got too. i am talking about hte status under the application st atus</p>

<p>It might be good to consider other opportunities the campuses offer you. The biggest being internship opportunities so you can gain experience in your field outside of the classroom. Others might be education abroad possibilities, if you want to work for an international company or research opportunities if you decide to go to grad school.</p>