Statement from the Chancellor about admissions

Thanks, makes me proud of UW.

Wow, that’s a great statement!

Wonderful! On Wisconsin!

I have no major issue with a small boost for legacy admits. They are far more likely to attend costing less to recruit and keep.

I do. Just because parents et al went there doesn’t mean another student should be denied admission because they weren’t lucky enough to have UW grads in the family. I doubt there are increased recruiting costs et al.

I’ll never forget waiting in an east coast airport decades ago and overhearing some parents lamenting that their kids weren’t getting into the schools they attended. The pool of applicants with better stats has increased a lot. Not all who attended UW years ago would get in today.

There is no evidence they have lower stats. It’s a tie-breaker. Luck is part of life. Most of us were lucky to be born in the US too.

Speaking as the parent of a child (from OOS) who was just recently rejected, I really respect this statement and commend UW for the stance it has taken.

Although i know that my son was eminently qualified and likely would have thrived in Madison, and though I know his scores/grades were on the upper end, I respect the schools decision as it relates to offering those in state the opportunities and upholding it’s standards without caving to outside (ie financial) interests. I think it speaks volumes that great students from other states (say Illinois - GET YOUR STUFF TOGETHER) wouldn’t even apply to their flagship state university

Students who can’t gain entry to a school without the legacy/development boost, and especially if they have had every advantage possible, should not be admitted. Loved her statement!

Well, according to admissions it still counts. Faculty set admissions criteria–not the Chancellor. Madison is now more semi state supported than a true public and the recent rapid growth in OOS students reflects that. Reality. Talk is cheap but cash pays the bills. And more of that is coming from OOS students. And if a legacy is more likely without fin aid to come from OOS so be it.

But- still the first duty of the public U is educating its residents. We do benefit from OOS students. That link was too long to search for your point, barrons. Legacy may help an OOS student- but I bet it doesn’t trump any better students from instate, or OOS for that matter.

barrons is OOS, with a business perspective I believe. I believe there are many Wisconsinites who are very passionate about our state and UW who would certainly protest if legacy status played a larger role.

I’ll be in the minority. As an alum and a huge tax payer in this state, I believe strongly that legacies and in particular in-state candidates should get a very, very strong preference. Fortunately my son got in on his own merit.The role of the state U is to educate the state population. We need to keep more of them home.

Talk to your state Leg about UW funding issues–not me. Legacy is a very small booster. But it still exists and helps in and OOS. Here’s a new UW toy I found.

Proof on funding issues