Statesider vs. Public Dorms

I know this is an age-old discussion but would love some updated input. My DS will be attending UW in the fall. We are from New York, and while he thinks he would prefer to live in the public dorms, almost everyone he knows of or has met from this area will be living in Statesider. He doesn’t want to go to a dorm not knowing anyone. Can someone please give us pros and cons of living in Statesider, other than location (pro) and lack of meal service (con)? Thank you!

Can’t think of many pros. My OOS kid lived in Sellery/Witte, loved getting to know people from everywhere, was very tight with his floor, and made long lasting friends. Sellery and Witte account for 2000 freshman. Sellery and Witte are next door to Gordons, and even after my kid moved “off” campus (first to Spring St and then to Langdon) he would still eat on occasion at Gordon’s because it was easy.

First year move in/orientation is full of activities to get to know your dorm mates. He had a blast.

Physically, you really aren’t closer to Bascom Hill and classes if you are at Statesider than if you are at Sellery/Witte. And if someone is in B school, Sellery/Witte are much closer. Statesider IS closer to State St bars and greek life on Langdon, but its not like Sellery/Witte are impossibly far away, they are 2 blocks further.

The location is a con, not a pro. Why live off campus near noisy State St instead of right on campus? Easy enough to walk to State St. from the Res Halls dorms. The vast majority of UW students do not participate in Greek life- plenty to do without that. No pros in my book.

If your son wants the public dorms by all means encourage him to live there. Most UW freshmen do not know anyone either. Even if students from their HS go to UW with 6000 some freshmen starting out most will also be strangers to each other.

btw- freshmen will have classes in many buildings. Your son should consider both the southeast and lakeshore areas, then various dorm types in them. He may prefer one area over the other, despite probably being a NYC New Yorker he could want something different than the city area of campus.

Even the lakeshore dorms are definitely walking distance to State St. UW is lucky to have great food service as well as well maintained public dorms. Let him mix with the masses.

Something I have noticed in the past is that it seems to be a few OOS students who choose to isolate themselves from the instate/MN students. Midwesterners tend to be friendly and will be interested in where he is from. Why stick with people from your area when you can gain an appreciation of a much wider world?

Many students move off campus for sophomore year. At that time he will know more about UW life and can choose which part of campus to live near. Every student has their own unique UW experience.

Just because you can afford it is no reason to be isolated from the campus, or to only live with those like you. I’m sure he will find the academics satisfying and a great social life by being with people living on campus.