Stats 2 vs. Stats 20

<p>Does anyone know which class is supposed to be easier, Stats 2 or Stats 20? The teachers for Spring 09 I'm considering are Stats 2- Gel, and Stats 20- Adhikari. Thanks!</p>

<li>Lots of ultracompetitive preHaas students in Stats 20.</li>

<p>In pick-a-prof there are more A’s given out for Stat 20.</p>

<p>Yeah I noticed that too Calbear. I have heard that Stats 2 is easier, but was thrown off that more A’s were received in Stats 20 :&lt;/p>

<p>definetly take stats 2, subject matter is far more easier than 20</p>

<p>Well Stat 20 needs one semester of calculus while anybody can take Stat 2 with any background so It would make sense for Stat 2 to be easier I guess.</p>

<p>thanks everyone!</p>

<p>which one is more similar to high school AP stats?</p>