STEM Path to MBA combined with Premed

Can a science or engineering undergrad student intending to complete premed core and go onto med school realistically combine this with UA’s 5 year STEM/MBA program? It sounds great given that physicians are increasingly looked upon to become leaders in large physician/hospital enterprises and need core business education/skills that they don’t get in med school.

These students are doing it (, and a few of my friends (we’re in year 4 out of 5 right now) are planning on doing it.

Thank you for the feedback. The video was helpful and I passed it on to my son.

You’re welcome!

Yes, you can. If you want to go to Med School and get your MBA at the same time, Johns Hopkins has a Dual MD/MBA program that I suggest looking into.

However, I will say this, out of my STEM class that started out with about 350 students, we now have about 150 still in the program and I am in the 6th semester of STEM coursework. So alot of people who were initially really excited about the program ended up dropping it because they found out it’s nothing like they thought it would be.