Bama premed Q

Have any recent premed grads done the STEM to MBA program followed by medical school?

If so, how was your medical school application received? (Did interviewers question why you got an MBA before med school?)

Did you apply and get accepted during your MBA year, or did you apply during your undergrad senior year and request deferring your med school enrollment until after the MBA?


The STEM to MBA program is pretty new. I’d have to look to see if it’s been in place long enough for there to have been a graduating class. Isn’t it a 5 year program? I’m not sure if the program is yet 5 years old…but I’ll look.

Fall 2011 was the first freshman class for STEM to MBA. There were 46 students in that entry class. Being the first class, it’s unlikely that all 46 remained in the program. This would be their 5th year. Whether any of those 46 who remained in the program are premed is not known. The chances that any are premed AND reading this forum is very remote.

that said…I would think it would be wrong to apply after junior year with the intent to ask for a deferral.

I will look in the UA Facebook group of parents of premed UA students to see if any of this year’s med school bound students were STEM to MBA

Thanks @mom2collegekids !

so, how was your medical school application received? (Did interviewers question why you got an MBA before med school?)



I wanted to comment on this: Since many/most SOM interviews are “blind” (which means the interviewer does not have the interviewee’s grades or MCAT score in the folder), interviewers often are scrambling for something unique to ask about.

Therefore seeing that the student is earning a STEM to MBA while being premed would likely just be a question asked out of interest, curiosity, and “just having something new to talk about”. It would not likely be a question asked out of judgement.

Blind Interviews: The purpose of the blind interview is so that the interviewer will not have a preconceived notion about the person he/she is interviewing. The med school has already determined that the applicant’s stats are worthy of admission (hence the interview invite), therefore the purpose of the interview is to look beyond grades/stats. The interviews are also often referred to as “the crazy test” to determine if the the applicant has the mental stability and social skills to become a physician.

I would not plan on asking for a deferral. You should have all your “ducks in a row” before applying to med school. I know professional schools (other than med school), look unfavorably on incomplete credentials, which are needed for the next degree.

Guess it would be better to apply during the MBA year then.

I would discuss this with the pre-med advisors. I do not know what is entailed within that MBA year (classes, projects, group projects, presentations??? etc), When applying to med school you will have to take your MCAT, Fill out your application, fill out secondary applications and travel for interviews. So, timing is key. I am not sure exactly which year you should be applying, best to check with the pre- med advisors.

Good Luck!
When you receive your answers please share with us here. Thanks.

Does anyone know what the 5th year STEM to MBA students are doing? Unless the premed applicant waits until after the 5th year to apply, the interviews would be going on during fall semester, and maybe very early in the spring semester.

Ug - it would be terrible to miss MBA classes to go on interviews!

lol…well, one interview can take a student away for 2-3 days. Students usually don’t have a choice about the interview day, and they’re often NOT on Mondays or Fridays, so it’s not unusual to have to miss the day before, the day of (all day interviews), and then travel back the next day or late that night.