Stern Transfer Chances

<p>I am a freshman at the University of Miami.</p>

<p>These are my statistics</p>

<p>High School GPA 4.0
IGCSE Grades - 6A* and 2 A's
AS Level - 4 B's
SAT 1850</p>

<p>Major - International Finance and Marketing
College GPA - 3.8
EC's - Entrepeneurship Club
American Marketing Association
Rotaract International
Amnesty International
Jujitsu Club
Concerts Club
Ethics Society
Make a Wish University of Miami
Duke of Edinburgh International Award Silver Certificate</p>

<p>I am hoping for a Sophomore transfer, but that means that I will be unable to complete the Managerial Accounting, Statistics and Calc requirements because I simply haven't completed the prerequisites to be eligible to take those courses.</p>

<p>What do you think?</p>

<p>I am also applying to Northeastern, U of Chicago, U of Washington, Boston University and University of Southern California. ( I don't want to spend another year in Miami, AT ALL!)</p>

<p>if you dont have the pre reqs finished or in progress then they wont accept you. &lt;/p>

<p>northeastern financial aid is terrible and so is nyu</p>

<p>u chicago is a reach bc there transfer rate is so low, not to mention you will probably apply for economics which means you are applying for the most notable major there. that also reduces your chances.</p>

<p>good luck though and your stats are good! the other schools are deff possible.</p>

<p>I don’t require financial aid. Does that raise chances of acceptance?</p>

<p>Also, the website says this… “*Note: We understand that some students, especially those transferring as sophomores, may not be able to complete all of the recommended courses by the end of their freshman year. In that case, we ask that you provide an explanation in the “additional information” section of your application for the Committee on Admissions to consider when your application is reviewed.”</p>

<p>But I’ve seen people, like you, tell me otherwise. I’m confused.</p>