<p>Which is better for undergraduate business with a specialisation in finance? Stern or Ross preferred admission?</p>
<p>Thanks for your comments!</p>
<p>Which is better for undergraduate business with a specialisation in finance? Stern or Ross preferred admission?</p>
<p>Thanks for your comments!</p>
<p>I hate it when people give links to rankings but…
Ross is 3 in ugrad finance and Stern isn’t even on the list!</p>
<p>[Undergraduate</a> business specialties: Finance - Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report](<a href=“http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/college/spec-finance]Undergraduate”>http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/college/spec-finance)</p>
<p>Millhouse, Stern (NYU) is number 2 on that list.</p>
<p>If you’re from Michigan and could get in-state tuition then I would go with Michigan, if not then NYU.</p>
<p>I WAS TIRED! LEAVE ME ALONE lol. I was looking for the word “Stern”
but I will say Ross is ranked higher overall but its up to you</p>
<p>I chose Ross, but it’s really a matter of personal preference.</p>
<p>stern is clearly better, look at its location and access to firms(tho i know whats happening now, but still…)</p>
<p>I would go with Stern, especially since when it comes time for internships you have a plethora of places to choose from.</p>
<p>Hope it helps.</p>
<p>All the big firms come to Ross to recruit for summer internships. Though if you want an internship during the school year Stern is way better.</p>
<p>Its really up to you. Both schools are top notch, and top companies recruit at both Ross and Stern. If you have in-state tuition, I would just stick with Michigan though - NYU isn’t much better (if at all) and is not worth the extra 20-30,000$. </p>
<p>Keep in mind though, that if you are considering consulting at all, NYU Stern does not place as well as Michigan Ross into top consulting firms (M/B/B). With the banking slowdown, consulting seems to be taking its place as the king of prestige in the business field (right out of college, anyways).</p>
<p>Arguments in the past would say that Stern places better on Wall Street, etc… but to be practical, no one’s looking for a flaky, insecure job on Wall Street nowadays. Go with Ross- it is ranked better overall and is stronger in many other business fields (ranked #1 Management, #2 Marketing, #3 Finance, #3 Overall). Stern is ranked #5 Overall.</p>